How to Make Stress-Free Moving With Kids 

November 8, 2023
How to Make Stress-Free Moving With Kids 

Moving to a new home, especially when it involves interstate moving, can be an exciting yet overwhelming experience for the entire family. Amidst the chaos of packing boxes and organizing logistics, parents often find themselves worrying about how their kids will cope with the transition. As a seasoned moving expert, I understand the challenges families face when moving with kids . In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore practical strategies to help you prepare your kids for a move while keeping the process smooth and stress-free.


Understanding the Emotional Impact of Moving


Acknowledge Their Feelings

Moving can stir up a whirlwind of emotions in kids. They might feel excited about the new adventure but also anxious about leaving their familiar surroundings. It’s crucial to acknowledge and validate their feelings. Encourage them to express their concerns openly, creating a safe space for them to share their thoughts.

Involve Them in the Process

One way to ease children’s anxiety about moving is by involving them in the process. Let them help with packing their belongings, allowing them to make decisions about what to keep and what to donate or recycle. This involvement empowers them and gives them a sense of control over the situation.


Practical Tips for a Smooth Move


Plan Ahead

Proper planning is the key to a successful move. Create a moving checklist outlining tasks to be completed before the moving day. This can include notifying schools, transferring medical records, and organizing important documents. By staying organized, you can reduce the last-minute rush and ensure a seamless transition for your kids.


Create a Familiar Environment

When you arrive at your new home, make an effort to recreate a familiar environment for your kids. Arrange their room with their favorite furniture, toys, and bedding. Familiarity can provide a sense of security, helping them adjust to the new surroundings more easily.


Explore the New Neighborhood Together

Before the move, research the new neighborhood and its amenities. After the move, take the time to explore the area with your kids. Visit local parks, libraries, and community centers. Introducing them to their new surroundings will make them feel more comfortable and excited about their new home.


Coping Strategies During and After the Move


Maintain Routines

Kids thrive on routines, which provide stability and predictability. Amidst the chaos of moving, try to maintain essential routines like meal times and bedtime rituals. Consistency can help kids feel secure in the midst of change.


Encourage Socialization

Encourage your kids to make new friends in the neighborhood or at their new school. Organize playdates, enroll them in local clubs or sports teams, and participate in community events. Building new friendships can help them feel connected and reduce feelings of isolation.


Be Patient and Supportive

Adjusting to a new home takes time, and each kids copes differently. Be patient and supportive as they navigate their emotions. Offer reassurance, listen actively, and provide comfort when needed. Your understanding and support are crucial in helping them adapt to the changes.



Moving with kids can be challenging, but with thoughtful planning and emotional support, you can make the process smoother for the entire family. By acknowledging their feelings, involving them in the process, maintaining routines, and encouraging socialization, you can help your kids embrace the adventure of moving to a new home.

Remember, every kid is unique, so tailor your approach based on their individual needs and preferences. By following these strategies and staying attuned to your children’s emotions, you’ll pave the way for a positive and successful move, ensuring your family settles into your new home with ease.

For more expert advice and reliable moving services, visit WowMover. Our team of professionals is dedicated to making your move a stress-free and enjoyable experience. Happy moving!

Here’s Why DIY Moving is a Waste of Time

November 8, 2023
Here’s Why DIY Moving is a Waste of Time

Are you planning to move to a new place? Whether it’s a local move or a long-distance journey, you might be tempted to save some money by taking the DIY route. After all, moving on your own seems like a cost-effective choice, right? Well, think again. In this article, we’ll delve into why DIY moving can often be a waste of time, money, and effort. We’ll also explore some alternatives that could make your move a breeze.

The Hidden Costs of DIY Moving

The Heavy Lifting Challenge

One of the first challenges you’ll encounter when moving on your own is the heavy lifting. Moving furniture, appliances, and boxes can be backbreaking work. Not only can it lead to physical injuries, but it also consumes a significant amount of your time. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a professional team take care of this for you? Companies like Two Men and a Truck specialize in just that.

The Time Sink

Moving requires careful planning and organization. Packing your belongings, disassembling furniture, loading a truck, and driving to your new destination can take up an enormous amount of time. If you factor in the time you’ll need to take off work, it can end up costing you more than you’d expect. Professional moving services can save you precious time, allowing you to focus on other essential aspects of your move.

Trailer Rental: A Tempting Yet Troublesome Option

Some might consider renting a trailer for DIY moving, thinking it’s a cost-effective solution. However, trailer rental comes with its own set of challenges and hidden costs. First, you’ll need the necessary equipment to tow the trailer, which might require you to rent or purchase a hitch and other accessories. Moreover, you’ll be responsible for driving a larger vehicle, which can be stressful and even dangerous, especially if you’re not used to it.

Legal Concerns: Living Inside a Storage Unit

While contemplating DIY moving, some individuals might think about cutting costs by living inside a storage unit temporarily. However, it’s essential to be aware that this practice is illegal in many places. Not only does it pose safety concerns, but it also raises ethical questions. Living in a storage unit can have severe legal repercussions and can lead to eviction from the facility.

The Hassle of Moving Pods

Moving pods, also known as portable storage containers, are another option that might seem attractive for DIY movers. While they offer convenience, they come with their own set of challenges. Loading and unloading a moving pod can be physically demanding, and if not packed properly, your belongings can get damaged during transit. Get answers to frequently asked questions about moving pods and learn some valuable tips at Facts About Moving Pods: FAQs, Cost, and Tips.

A Smarter Alternative: Moving Containers

If you want to avoid the drawbacks of both traditional DIY moving and moving pods, consider using professional moving containers. These containers offer a perfect balance between convenience and cost-effectiveness. You can pack your belongings at your own pace, and a team of experts will handle the transportation.

The Value of Professional Movers

Moving is a complex task that involves a lot more than just transporting your possessions from one place to another. Professional movers have the expertise and experience to make your move smooth and stress-free. Here are some compelling reasons to hire professionals for your next move:

  1. Expert Packing: Professional movers have the knowledge and skills to pack your items efficiently and securely. They use the right materials to prevent damage during transportation.
  2. Timely Execution: Movers work efficiently, ensuring that your move is completed in a timely manner. This can be especially crucial if you have a strict timeline to follow.
  3. Safety: Your safety is of utmost importance. Professional movers are well-trained to handle heavy items without risking injuries. They also have insurance to cover any unforeseen accidents.
  4. Less Stress: By entrusting your move to professionals, you can reduce the stress and anxiety that often comes with moving. You can focus on settling into your new home and leave the logistics to the experts.
  5. Cost-Effective: Contrary to popular belief, professional movers can be cost-effective. When you factor in all the hidden costs of DIY moving, including time off work and equipment rental, hiring movers might be the smarter financial choice.


While DIY moving might seem like a cost-effective option, the hidden costs and challenges it presents often make it a waste of time and effort. Instead of struggling with the heavy lifting, time-consuming planning, and potential legal issues, consider the value of professional movers. They can provide expert assistance, saving you time, money, and stress, ultimately making your move a breeze.

In summary, the benefits of hiring professional movers, such as Two Men and a Truck, far outweigh the hassles of DIY moving. Whether you opt for moving containers or traditional moving services, you’ll find that your move can be efficient and cost-effective without the DIY headaches. So, if you’re planning your next move, take a moment to explore the alternatives before deciding to go the DIY route. Your back and your wallet will thank you!

Ready To Move?

Ways To Get Rid of Extra Items Before You Move

The Impact of Moving on Your Mental Health and How to Cope

November 3, 2023
The Impact of Moving on Your Mental Health and How to Cope

Moving, particularly across state lines, signifies a significant life change that can both excite and unsettle even the most resilient individuals. The prospect of a new beginning and fresh opportunities can bring a sense of adventure, but the process of moving itself can also evoke a whirlwind of emotions. Understanding the emotional rollercoaster associated with moving is crucial, as it allows us to address these feelings head-on and implement effective coping mechanisms.


Understanding the Emotional Rollercoaster of Moving

Moving goes beyond the physical act of packing and relocating; it triggers a cascade of emotions. Leaving behind the familiar can stir a mix of feelings, including excitement, sadness, anxiety, and apprehension. Let’s delve deeper into these emotional nuances.


The Excitement of New Beginnings

Moving offers the prospect of a fresh start, providing opportunities for personal and professional growth. Exploring a new city, meeting diverse people, and experiencing a different way of life can be incredibly enriching. Embracing this excitement is vital, as it can fuel your motivation to overcome the challenges that come with moving.


The Grief of Saying Goodbye

Simultaneously, moving involves bidding farewell to your current life—a process that can trigger grief-like emotions. Leaving behind familiar places, cherished memories, and close friends can evoke a sense of loss. It’s essential to acknowledge these feelings and give yourself permission to mourn what you’re leaving behind.


Anxiety and Uncertainty

The logistics of moving, such as finding a new home, job, or school for your children, can induce anxiety. Uncertainty about the future, coupled with the fear of the unknown, can weigh heavily on your mind. This anxiety is natural but needs to be managed effectively to prevent it from becoming overwhelming.


The Impact of Moving on Mental Health

  1. Stress and Physical Health: The stress associated with moving can take a toll on your physical health. Lack of sleep, poor eating habits, and neglecting exercise are common during such transitions, further exacerbating mental health issues.
  2. Relationship Strain: Moving can strain relationships, especially if family members have different opinions about the move. Open communication and understanding each other’s concerns are essential to maintain healthy relationships.
  3. Children and Emotional Well-being: Moving can be particularly challenging for children, who might struggle to adjust to a new school and make new friends. Paying attention to their emotional well-being is crucial, as it impacts the entire family dynamic.


Coping Strategies for a Smooth Transition

  1. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practicing mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises can help manage anxiety and stress. These techniques promote emotional balance and resilience.
  2. Journaling: Writing about your feelings and experiences in a journal can be cathartic. It allows you to process your emotions, gain perspective, and track your progress in adapting to the new environment.
  3. Social Support Networks: Actively seek out social support networks in your new community. Engaging with local clubs, volunteering, or attending community events can help you establish connections and combat feelings of isolation.
  4. Therapeutic Interventions: If your emotional struggles persist, consider therapy or counseling. A mental health professional can provide valuable guidance and support tailored to your specific needs.



Moving interstate is undoubtedly a multifaceted experience, impacting not only your physical surroundings but also your emotional well-being. By recognizing the emotional complexities of moving and implementing proactive coping strategies, you can navigate this transition with resilience and grace. Remember that seeking help is a sign of strength, and with the right support systems in place, you can transform this challenging period into a transformative journey toward personal growth and self-discovery.

Best States to Moving for Homesteading: Finding Your Perfect Homestead Haven

November 2, 2023
Best States to Moving for Homesteading: Finding Your Perfect Homestead Haven

Homesteading is not just a lifestyle; it’s a commitment to self-sufficiency, sustainability, and the joy of cultivating your own land. If you’re considering making the leap into homesteading, one of the crucial decisions you’ll face is choosing the right state to set up your homestead. With the vast expanse of the United States offering a variety of climates, landscapes, and opportunities, finding the best state to moving for homesteading can be a daunting task. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top states that make an ideal choice for homesteaders like you.


Why Consider Homesteading?

Before we delve into the best states for homesteading, let’s understand the essence of homesteading and why an increasing number of individuals and families are opting for this fulfilling lifestyle.


What Is Homesteading?

Homesteading is a lifestyle of self-sufficiency, focused on growing your own food, raising animals, and reducing reliance on outside resources. Homesteaders often embrace practices such as organic farming, permaculture, and sustainable living. It’s about getting back to the land, fostering a connection with nature, and living a simpler, more intentional life.


The Top States for Homesteading

Choosing the right state for homesteading is vital to your success as a homesteader. Factors like climate, soil quality, water availability, and local regulations play a significant role in this decision. Based on these factors and more, here are some of the best states to consider for your homesteading journey:


1. Oregon: The Pacific Northwest Paradise

Oregon boasts a temperate climate, abundant rainfall, and fertile soil, making it an ideal choice for aspiring homesteaders. With a thriving community of farmers, ranchers, and agricultural enthusiasts, you’ll find ample support and resources for your homesteading endeavors. Additionally, the state offers various homesteading-friendly policies and tax incentives, making it an attractive option for those looking to establish a self-sufficient lifestyle.


2. Texas: Where Homesteading Meets Freedom

Texas is renowned for its vast expanses of land, diverse climates, and a welcoming attitude towards homesteaders. Whether you prefer the lush forests of East Texas or the arid landscapes of the West, Texas offers a wide range of options for aspiring homesteaders. The state’s favorable land prices and lenient regulations make it an excellent choice for those seeking to start their homesteading adventure.


3. Colorado: Embracing Homesteading in the Rockies

Colorado’s picturesque landscapes, abundant sunshine, and diverse ecosystems make it a popular choice for homesteaders. From high plains to mountain valleys, Colorado offers a variety of environments suitable for different types of agriculture and homesteading activities. With a strong emphasis on sustainable living and local agriculture, Colorado provides a supportive community for individuals and families interested in homesteading.


4. Vermont: Small State, Big Homesteading Opportunities

Known for its charming countryside, Vermont is a haven for homesteaders seeking a close-knit community and a rich agricultural heritage. The state’s commitment to organic farming, farmer’s markets, and sustainable practices aligns perfectly with the homesteading ethos. Vermont’s fertile soil, ample water supply, and stunning landscapes make it an excellent choice for those looking to establish a self-reliant homestead.


Making Your Move: Interstate Moving Tips for Homesteaders

Once you’ve chosen the best state for your homesteading dreams, the next step is planning your interstate move. Here are some essential tips to ensure a smooth transition to your new homestead:


Planning Your Interstate Move for Homesteading Success

Moving to a new state for homesteading requires meticulous planning and organization. Start by creating a detailed checklist that includes tasks such as finding reliable moving services, packing your belongings, and transferring utilities.


Choosing the Right Moving Company

When it comes to interstate moving, partnering with a reputable moving company is crucial. Look for movers experienced in long-distance relocations and check online reviews and testimonials to ensure their reliability. we can help you find trustworthy moving services tailored to your specific needs.


Packing for Your Homesteading Journey

Packing your belongings efficiently is essential for a smooth move. Clearly label boxes, pack fragile items securely, and consider decluttering before your move to reduce unnecessary belongings. Donating or selling items you won’t need in your homestead can lighten your load and make the moving process more manageable.


Setting Up Your New Homestead

Upon arrival in your new state, focus on setting up the essentials for your homestead. Prepare your land for planting, set up animal shelters, and establish a water source. Research local agricultural practices and connect with neighboring homesteaders to learn from their experiences. Building a supportive network in your new community can be invaluable as you embark on your homesteading journey.


Conclusion: Your Homesteading Adventure Awaits

Choosing the best state for homesteading and planning your interstate move are significant steps toward realizing your self-sufficient lifestyle. Whether you’re drawn to the lush landscapes of Oregon, the wide-open spaces of Texas, the diverse ecosystems of Colorado, or the charming countryside of Vermont, each state offers unique opportunities for homesteaders.

With careful planning, the right resources, and a strong sense of determination, your homesteading adventure can thrive in your chosen state. Embrace the beauty of the land, nurture your connection with nature, and join the ranks of homesteaders across the United States who have chosen this fulfilling path to a simpler, more sustainable way of life.

So, what are you waiting for? Your homesteading haven awaits, and with the right preparation and enthusiasm, your dream of a self-sufficient lifestyle can become a reality.

The Best States to Moving and Retire

November 1, 2023
The Best States to Moving and Retire

Moving to a new state and retiring are significant life events that mark exciting new beginnings. Choosing the right state to settle down in for your retirement years is a decision that requires careful consideration. With so many options available in the United States, finding the perfect place that suits your lifestyle, preferences, and needs can be both thrilling and overwhelming. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best states to moving and retire, considering various factors such as cost of living, climate, healthcare, and overall quality of life.


What to Consider When Choosing Your Place to Moving and Retire


1. Moving Hassles and Interstate Moving Options

Relocating to a new state involves a myriad of challenges, from finding a reliable moving company to packing up your entire life. Fortunately, we are professional that we can help you to find the best moving services that can ease the transition. we have contact with interstate moving companies that ensuring a smooth and stress-free move to your desired state.


2. Cost of Living: Affordable Retirement

One of the most crucial factors to consider is the cost of living. Some states offer a more affordable lifestyle, making your retirement savings go further. States like Florida, Texas, and South Carolina are renowned for their lower taxes, making them attractive options for retirees looking to make the most of their fixed incomes.


3. Climate: Find Your Ideal Weather

Weather preferences vary greatly among individuals. If you enjoy mild winters and plenty of sunshine, states like California, Arizona, and Nevada might be appealing. Alternatively, if you prefer a more temperate climate with four distinct seasons, states in the Northeast, such as North Carolina and Virginia, could be ideal.


4. Healthcare: Access to Quality Medical Facilities

Access to quality healthcare facilities is paramount in retirement. States like Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Colorado are renowned for their excellent healthcare systems, ensuring you receive the best medical care during your golden years.


5. Overall Quality of Life: A Peaceful Retirement

Retirement is the time to enjoy life to the fullest. Consider states like Hawaii, Oregon, and Maine, which offer not only breathtaking natural beauty but also a peaceful and laid-back lifestyle. These states are perfect for those seeking tranquility and a strong sense of community.


Best States to Moving and Retire:


1. Florida: The Sunshine State

Moving to Florida has long been a popular choice among retirees. With its warm climate, beautiful beaches, and diverse recreational activities, Florida offers a vibrant lifestyle for retirees. The absence of state income tax is another appealing feature, allowing retirees to stretch their budgets further. Cities like Miami, Orlando, and Tampa provide various amenities, cultural attractions, and a thriving social scene.


2. Texas: Big State, Big Opportunities

Texas is known for its friendly residents, diverse landscapes, and booming economy. Cities like Austin, Dallas, and Houston offer a mix of urban sophistication and natural beauty. The state’s affordable housing market and absence of state income tax make it an attractive choice for retirees. Additionally, Texas boasts world-class healthcare facilities and a plethora of outdoor activities, ensuring an active and fulfilling retirement.


3. North Carolina: Southern Charm and Natural Beauty

North Carolina combines southern charm with stunning natural beauty. The state offers a diverse climate, from the mountains in the west to the coastal plains in the east. Cities like Asheville, Raleigh, and Charlotte provide a high quality of life, excellent healthcare, and a range of cultural and recreational opportunities. North Carolina’s affordable cost of living and welcoming communities make it a top choice for retirees seeking a peaceful retirement.


4. Arizona: Desert Oasis

Arizona is a paradise for retirees seeking a warm and dry climate. With cities like Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona offers abundant sunshine, breathtaking desert landscapes, and a low cost of living. The state’s affordable housing market and diverse cultural scene make it an appealing destination for retirees. Arizona’s retiree-friendly tax policies further enhance its attractiveness, allowing retirees to make the most of their retirement savings.


Conclusion: Finding Your Perfect State to Moving and Retire

Choosing the best state to move and retire is a highly personal decision that depends on your individual preferences and priorities. Whether you prioritize warm weather, affordable living, access to healthcare, or a peaceful lifestyle, the United States offers a wide array of options to suit your needs.

Consider factors such as moving options, cost of living, climate, healthcare, and overall quality of life when making your decision. Research thoroughly, visit prospective states, and immerse yourself in the local culture to ensure a smooth transition and a fulfilling retirement experience.

Remember, retirement is a time to savor life’s pleasures, explore new hobbies, and cherish the moments with loved ones. By choosing the right state that aligns with your dreams and aspirations, you can embark on a fulfilling retirement journey in a place you proudly call home. Happy retirement planning and happy moving!

Things to Keep in Mind for Your Next Storage Rental

October 27, 2023
Things to Keep in Mind for Your Next Storage Rental

If you’re planning a move, decluttering your home, or just in need of extra space to store your belongings, the storage rental can be a practical solution. In the United States, the demand for storage units has been on the rise due to various reasons, such as moving, downsizing, or simply reorganizing your living space. In this article, we’ll discuss the important factors to consider when renting a storage unit, whether you’re moving, looking for extra storage space, or need a temporary solution.


The Convenience of Storage Rentals

Renting a storage unit has become increasingly popular for Americans for a variety of purposes. Whether you’re moving to a new home, renovating, or just need to clear some space, storage units offer a convenient and flexible solution. Here are some key aspects to keep in mind for your next storage rental.


1. Choosing the Right Type of Storage

One of the first decisions you’ll need to make when considering a storage rental is the type of storage that best suits your needs. In the United States, you’ll typically find two common options:


2. Location Matters

When renting a storage unit, location is a crucial factor to consider. If you’re moving, it’s essential to choose a storage facility that’s conveniently located near your current or future residence. This will make the process of moving your belongings to and from the storage unit much more manageable. If you’re using a portable storage container, check if the company offers delivery and pickup services in your area.


3. Security and Safety

Your peace of mind is paramount when storing your valuable possessions. Make sure the storage facility or portable storage container you choose provides adequate security measures. Look for features like surveillance cameras, gated access, and well-lit premises. Additionally, consider investing in a sturdy lock for your storage unit for an extra layer of security.


4. Climate-Controlled Units

If you’re planning to store sensitive items such as electronics, artwork, or documents, climate-controlled storage units are a wise choice. These units maintain a stable temperature and humidity level, protecting your belongings from extreme temperature fluctuations, humidity, and other environmental factors.


5. Size Matters

Storage units come in various sizes, so it’s essential to choose one that suits your needs. Consider making an inventory of the items you plan to store to help determine the appropriate size. It’s often better to opt for a slightly larger unit to accommodate unexpected items or provide room for easy access to your belongings.


6. Accessibility

Easy access to your storage unit can save you time and effort, especially if you need to retrieve items frequently. Some storage facilities offer 24/7 access, while others have specific operating hours. Consider your own schedule and choose a storage facility that aligns with your accessibility needs.


7. Rental Terms and Pricing

The cost of renting a storage unit can vary depending on factors such as location, size, and the duration of the rental. Be sure to read and understand the rental agreement, including the terms and conditions. Many storage facilities offer discounts or promotions for long-term rentals, so it’s worth inquiring about these options.


8. Insurance

Protecting your belongings is essential, and many storage facilities offer insurance options to safeguard your items in case of unforeseen events like theft, fire, or damage. While it may be an additional cost, it provides valuable peace of mind.


9. Decluttering and Organization

Renting a storage unit is an excellent opportunity to declutter and organize your belongings. Take the time to sort through your items and decide what you truly need to store. Use this opportunity to simplify your life by getting rid of items you no longer use or need.


10. First-Time Renters’ Guide

If you’re new to renting a storage unit, be sure to check out this comprehensive guide to renting a storage unit for first-timers . It covers the basics and offers valuable tips for a successful storage rental experience.


The Benefits of Portable Storage Containers

Portable storage containers, commonly known as “Pods,” have gained popularity in recent years for various reasons. These containers offer unique advantages that cater to the convenience of renters.


Why Americans Are Renting Moving Storage Units

There are several reasons why Americans are increasingly turning to storage units when they need to move. Here are a few key considerations:

1. Streamlined Moving Process

When you’re in the midst of a move, the last thing you want is added stress. Renting a storage unit allows you to pack and move your belongings gradually, reducing the chaos and pressure of moving day.


2. Selling Your Home

If you’re trying to sell your home, a decluttered and spacious living space can be a significant selling point. Storing excess items in a storage unit can help you present your home in the best possible light.


3. Downsizing

If you’re downsizing to a smaller residence, you may not have enough space for all your belongings. Renting a storage unit gives you the flexibility to keep the items you love without overcrowding your new home.


4. Temporary Housing

In some cases, you might find yourself in temporary housing before moving into your permanent residence. During this transition, a storage unit provides a secure place for your belongings until you’re ready to move them to your new home.


5. Seasonal Storage

Many Americans use storage units to store seasonal items like holiday decorations, winter sports gear, or summer outdoor furniture during the off-season. This keeps their homes clutter-free and organized.


Do You Really Need a Storage Unit When Moving?

Deciding whether you truly need a storage unit when moving can be a complex decision. It depends on various factors, including the size of your new home, the number of items you need to store, and your overall moving strategy. Here are some key considerations to help you decide:


1. Space Constraints

Evaluate the storage space in your new home. If you’re moving from a larger residence to a smaller one, you might not have enough space for all your belongings. In such cases, a storage unit can be a practical solution.


2. Organized Moving Process

Renting a storage unit allows you to organize your moving process effectively. You can sort your belongings, pack them in an orderly manner, and move them to the storage unit at your own pace. This systematic approach reduces the stress of moving day.


3. Temporary Storage Needs

If you’re in temporary housing before moving into your permanent home, a storage unit provides a secure and accessible space for your items. It prevents the need to transport your belongings multiple times, ensuring they remain safe until you’re ready to move them to your new residence.


4. Long-Distance Moves

For interstate moving, portable storage containers are particularly beneficial. These containers can be transported long distances, making them a convenient option for those moving across states.


Key Considerations When Renting a Storage Unit

When renting a storage unit, it’s essential to consider several factors to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience. Here are some key considerations:


1. Read the Contract Thoroughly

Before signing any rental agreement, carefully read the terms and conditions. Pay attention to the rental period, payment schedule, late fees, and any restrictions or rules imposed by the storage facility.


2. Prepare Your Items Properly

Properly preparing your items for storage is crucial to prevent damage. Clean and dry your belongings before storing them. Disassemble furniture, use protective covers, and consider using pallets or boards to elevate items off the floor.


3. Label Your Boxes

Labeling your boxes makes it easier to locate specific items when you need them. Create an inventory list and label boxes with detailed descriptions of their contents. This organization will save you time and effort in the long run.


4. Consider Insurance Options

While storage facilities take security measures, unexpected events can still occur. Consider purchasing insurance for your stored items. Some facilities offer insurance options, or you can explore third-party insurance providers.


5. Regularly Check Your Storage Unit

Even if you’re not accessing your storage unit frequently, it’s a good practice to check on it periodically. Ensure that there are no signs of pests, leaks, or damage. Regular checks allow you to address any issues promptly.



Renting a storage unit, whether for moving, decluttering, or temporary storage, offers practical solutions for Americans facing various life transitions. By considering factors such as location, security, type of storage, and organization, you can make an informed decision that meets your specific needs. Remember to read contracts thoroughly, prepare your items carefully, and stay organized throughout the process.

For more detailed information on portable storage containers and their benefits, a first-timer’s guide to renting a storage unit, reasons why Americans are increasingly turning to moving storage solutions, and essential considerations when renting a storage unit, visit WowMover. Their expertise and insights will guide you through a seamless storage rental experience.

How Inflation Has Affected Moving Costs in the United States

October 26, 2023
How Inflation Has Affected Moving Costs in the United States

United States has experienced significant changes, and one area where the impact is felt profoundly is in the cost of moving. Whether you are planning an interstate move, looking for storage options, or simply trying to find the best deals on moving materials, the effects of inflation have created ripples that touch every aspect of the moving process. In this article, we will delve into the ways inflation has influenced moving costs and explore practical solutions for individuals and families navigating these challenges.


Understanding the Current Landscape of Moving Costs


The Rising Tide of Inflation

Inflation, the steady increase in general price levels, has become an integral part of the American economic story. The impact of inflation is far-reaching, affecting everything from groceries to housing, and of course, moving costs. As inflation rates soar, the expenses associated with moving, both locally and across state lines, have witnessed a notable uptick. This trend is particularly evident when considering interstate moving, where costs are influenced by fuel prices, labor expenses, and demand-supply dynamics.


Inflation’s Ripple Effect on Intestate Moving

Intestate moving, the process of relocating from one state to another, has become notably more expensive due to inflation. Fuel costs, a significant component of interstate moving expenses, have seen a sharp increase, directly affecting the overall cost of transporting goods over long distances. Additionally, labor costs have surged, reflecting the broader economic shifts in the job market. These factors, coupled with the rising costs of maintaining a moving vehicle fleet, have led to higher prices for interstate moving services.


Storage Moving Costs in the Face of Inflation


The Emergence of Innovative Solutions: Moving Pods

One innovative solution that has gained popularity amidst rising storage moving costs is the utilization of moving pods. These portable storage units offer flexibility and convenience, allowing individuals to store their belongings securely without breaking the bank. Companies like PODS have revolutionized the storage and moving industry, offering cost-effective alternatives for those seeking storage solutions in an inflation-driven economy.


Navigating Storage Moving Costs Effectively

When facing escalating storage moving costs, it’s essential to explore budget-friendly options. Moving pods not only provide a more economical choice but also offer the convenience of on-demand storage. By opting for moving pods, individuals can store their belongings for a specific duration, mitigating the financial strain caused by inflation. Moreover, the accessibility and security offered by these units make them a practical choice for those in need of storage solutions during a move.


Smart Strategies for Budget-Friendly Moving


Buying Moving Boxes and Other Materials

One often overlooked aspect of moving expenses is the cost of materials. From boxes to packing tape, these essentials can add up quickly, especially with inflation driving prices higher. To counter this, savvy movers are turning to cost-effective solutions such as buying moving boxes in bulk. Online marketplaces and specialty retailers offer competitive prices, allowing individuals to acquire the necessary materials without overspending. By planning ahead and sourcing moving materials strategically, movers can significantly reduce their overall expenses.


Choosing the Right Time: The Best Moving Month

In the realm of moving, timing can make a substantial difference in costs. As inflation continues to impact the economy, choosing the right month for your move can result in significant savings. Historically, the moving industry experiences fluctuations in demand throughout the year. Understanding these patterns can empower individuals to make informed decisions. Moving during the off-peak season, often in the winter months, can yield substantial cost savings. By avoiding the peak summer season, characterized by high demand and consequently inflated prices, movers can stretch their budget further.


Making Informed Decisions in the Face of Inflation

In conclusion, the effects of inflation on moving costs are undeniable. From interstate moving to storage solutions, every aspect of the moving process is influenced by the economic shifts in the country. However, armed with knowledge and strategic planning, individuals and families can navigate these challenges effectively.

Utilizing innovative storage solutions like moving pods, sourcing materials wisely, and choosing the optimal time for the move are practical strategies that can make a substantial difference. By adapting to the changing economic landscape and exploring budget-friendly alternatives, movers can ensure a smooth transition without breaking the bank.

Remember, staying informed, exploring innovative options, and planning ahead are the keys to managing moving costs in an inflationary environment. By making smart choices and leveraging available resources, individuals can successfully move to their new homes while keeping expenses in check.

For more insights into managing moving quotes, costs and navigating the complexities of relocation, visit WowMover. Explore their comprehensive guides and expert tips to make your move a seamless and affordable experience.

Moving to University Apartaments: A Complete Guide

October 25, 2023
Moving to University Apartaments: A Complete Guide

Moving to university can be an exciting yet daunting experience. It marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life, but it also involves a lot of planning and preparation. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on moving to university in the United States. We will cover everything from interstate moving to finding the right moving company, and we will include tips and tricks to make your move less stressful.


Planning Your Move

Before you start packing your bags, there are a few things you need to consider. Planning your move in advance can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. Here are some tips to help you plan your move:


Create a Moving Checklist

Creating a moving checklist is an essential step in planning your move. It will help you keep track of everything you need to do before and after your move. Here are some items you should include in your moving checklist:


Choose the Right Moving Company

Choosing the right moving company is crucial to a successful move. You want to hire a company that specializes in college student moves and has a good reputation. Here are some tips to help you choose the right moving company:


Consider Using a Moving Storage Service

If you need to store your belongings temporarily, consider using a moving storage service. These services allow you to store your belongings in a secure facility until you are ready to move them to your new apartment. Here are some benefits of using a moving storage service:

One popular moving storage service is PODS.

They offer portable storage containers that can be delivered to your doorstep and picked up when you are ready to move.


Packing Your Belongings

Packing your belongings can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips to help you pack your belongings efficiently:


Pack Your Belongings by Category

Packing your belongings by category can make the process more manageable. Here are some categories to consider:


Label Your Boxes

Labeling your boxes can save you a lot of time and hassle when you are unpacking. Here are some tips for labeling your boxes:


Pack a First-Night Box

Packing a first-night box can make your move less stressful. Here are some items to include in your first-night box:


Moving Day

Moving day can be hectic, but with the right preparation, it can also be stress-free. Here are some tips to help you on moving day:


Get an Early Start

Getting an early start can help you avoid traffic and make the most of your day. Here are some tips for getting an early start:


Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential on moving day. Here are some tips for staying hydrated:


Be Prepared for Interstate Moving

If you are moving to university in a different state, you need to be prepared for interstate moving. Here are some tips to help you prepare:



Moving to university can be a stressful experience, but with the right preparation, it can also be an exciting one. By following the tips and tricks in this guide, you can make your move less stressful and more enjoyable. Remember to plan your move in advance, choose the right moving company, and pack your belongings efficiently. With these tips, you can make your move to university a success.

Moving With Roommates: A Guide for a Hassle-Free Experience

October 24, 2023
Moving With Roommates: A Guide for a Hassle-Free Experience

Moving with roommates can be an exciting chapter in your life. It’s a chance to share space, responsibilities, and create lasting memories with friends or new acquaintances. However, the process of moving with someone, whether they are friends or strangers, involves careful planning, communication, and organization. In this guide, we will explore the ins and outs of moving with roommates, providing you with valuable tips and insights to make your shared living experience smooth and enjoyable.


Finding the Right Roommates

Before delving into the moving process, it’s essential to find compatible roommates. Here are some valuable resources and tips to help you find the perfect match:

  1. Moving Into an Apartment with Your College Friends: College friendships often transition into shared living spaces. This collection offers insights into the unique dynamics of living with friends and navigating the challenges that may arise.
  2. How to Find Roommates Online: The digital age has made it easier than ever to connect with potential roommates online. Explore this collection to learn about reputable platforms and strategies for finding suitable roommates on the internet.


Things to Consider Before Moving In

Moving in with someone, whether they are lifelong friends or newfound acquaintances, requires careful consideration and communication. Here are essential factors to ponder before making the big move:


Navigating the Moving Process

Once you have found compatible roommates and discussed essential matters, it’s time to tackle the logistics of the move. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the moving process seamlessly:

1. Declutter and Pack Efficiently

Before packing, declutter your belongings. Dispose of items you no longer need or use. Utilize sturdy boxes, bubble wrap, and packing paper for fragile items. Consider labeling your boxes to make unpacking more manageable.

Pro Tip: Decluttering before the move not only reduces the volume of your belongings but also makes unpacking in your new home much easier.

2. Choose a Reliable Moving Company

When moving with roommates, hiring a professional moving company can save you time and effort. Look for reputable moving companies that offer services tailored to your needs. Read reviews, ask for recommendations, and compare quotes to make an informed decision.

3. Consider Storage Solutions

If you are downsizing or have excess belongings, consider renting a storage unit. Moving storage facilities provide a secure space to store your items temporarily. This option is particularly useful if your new home has limited storage space.

Note: Storage units are also beneficial for individuals undergoing interstate moving. They offer a convenient solution for storing belongings during the transition period.

4. Address Interstate Moving Challenges

Moving to another state introduces unique challenges. Research the regulations and requirements associated with interstate moving. Plan your move well in advance, considering factors such as transportation logistics, legal documentation, and the timeline for settling into your new residence.


Conclusion: A Harmonious Home Awaits

Moving with roommates can be a rewarding experience when approached with careful planning and open communication. By finding compatible roommates, discussing essential matters beforehand, and tackling the moving process strategically, you can create a harmonious living environment for everyone involved.

Remember, moving with friends or new acquaintances is not just a physical transition but also an opportunity to foster meaningful connections and create a home filled with laughter, support, and shared experiences. Embrace the journey, communicate openly, and cherish the bond you build with your roommates. Here’s to a seamless move and the beginning of a wonderful chapter in your lives!

What is the Commercial Moving Process Like?

October 20, 2023
What is the Commercial Moving Process Like?

Whether your company is expanding, downsizing, or just looking for a change of scenery, the commercial moving process is something that many businesses will encounter at some point. Commercial moving is a complex and intricate task, but with the right guidance, it can be a smooth transition. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of commercial moving, uncover the key steps involved, and offer valuable insights to help you navigate the process seamlessly.


Understanding Commercial Moving

Commercial moving involves the relocation of businesses from one location to another. This is a far cry from the typical residential move, as it encompasses various aspects that are unique to the business world. In essence, it’s not just about moving from point A to point B; it’s about ensuring that your business operations continue without significant disruptions. For businesses, time is money, and the seamless transition of assets and operations is of paramount importance.


The Role of Moving Services

Commercial moving is a mammoth task that requires professional expertise. This is where moving services come into play. These specialized services are provided by moving companies that are well-versed in the intricacies of commercial relocations. They understand the importance of minimizing downtime and keeping your business running smoothly.


Selecting the Right Commercial Moving Company

Choosing the right commercial moving companies is a critical decision that can make or break your relocation experience. It’s essential to do your due diligence and research various moving companies before making a final decision. The key factors to consider when selecting commercial movers include their experience, reputation, insurance coverage, and the range of services they offer.


Planning and Preparation

Commercial moving doesn’t happen overnight; it requires meticulous planning and preparation. This involves creating a comprehensive plan that outlines every step of the process. The plan should include a timeline, a budget, and a clear inventory of all items that need to be moved. Having a solid plan in place is the first step in ensuring a successful commercial move.


Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Mistakes in commercial moving can be costly. To help you steer clear of potential pitfalls, here are some valuable tips:

  1. Early Communication: Ensure that all employees are informed well in advance about the upcoming move. Clear and open communication is key.
  2. Inventory Management: Keep a detailed inventory of all assets to prevent loss or damage during the move.
  3. Technology Transition: Plan for the transition of your IT infrastructure and ensure minimal downtime.
  4. Legal and Compliance Issues: Address any legal or compliance issues related to your business location or industry.


The Commercial Moving Process


Step 1: Assessment and Planning

The first phase of commercial moving is an in-depth assessment of your current workspace. This includes taking stock of all equipment, furniture, and supplies. The planning phase involves determining the optimal layout for your new workspace and making decisions about the allocation of resources.

Step 2: Packing and Labeling

Packing and labeling are crucial steps in the commercial moving process. Professional moving companies provide specialized packing services to ensure that your assets are secure and organized during transport. Each item should be carefully labeled for easy identification at the new location.

Step 3: Transportation

Once everything is packed and labeled, the next step is transportation. This involves the physical move of your assets to the new location. You can choose from various transportation options, such as moving containers, which offer flexibility and security.

Step 4: Setup and Installation

After arriving at the new location, it’s time to set up and install all the equipment and furniture. Your commercial movers will assist in this phase, ensuring that everything is arranged according to the plan.


The Role of Technology

In today’s digital age, technology plays a significant role in the commercial moving process. It’s not just about physical assets; it’s also about ensuring the seamless transition of your IT infrastructure. This includes moving servers, workstations, and other technology assets without causing disruptions to your business operations.

Step 5: Testing and Inspection

Before declaring the move a success, thorough testing and inspection are essential. This involves checking all equipment and ensuring that everything is in working order. It’s a critical step to avoid any surprises down the road.

Step 6: Employee Orientation

Once the move is complete, it’s crucial to familiarize your employees with the new workspace. Employee orientation includes guiding them through the new layout, helping them settle into their new workstations, and addressing any questions or concerns.


The Benefits of Hiring Professional Commercial Movers

Hiring commercial movers offers several advantages. Here are some of the key benefits:



In the world of business, change is inevitable, and when it comes to changing locations, the commercial moving process is a vital aspect of a company’s journey. From the initial assessment and planning to the final setup and employee orientation, commercial moving involves a series of well-orchestrated steps that require careful execution.

When embarking on a commercial move, it’s essential to partner with the right commercial moving companies to ensure a smooth transition. This decision, coupled with a well-thought-out plan, will pave the way for a successful relocation. By understanding the intricacies of the commercial moving process and avoiding common pitfalls, your business can continue to thrive in its new location.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Wow Mover for expert guidance and assistance with your commercial move. Whether you are looking for the best interstate moving companies, top local movers, or the right moving containers, we have you covered. Your business’s success is our priority, and we are here to make your commercial move a seamless and stress-free experience.