
Why Living Inside Storage Unit Is Illegal?

June 3, 2024

Is living inside storage legal? No, It is prohibited by multiple local and federal housing laws due to several reasons. Living in storage is unsafe. Anyone found living on it will get evicted.

If you are having a hard time due to natural disasters and financial hardships, where do you run to? Some will seek help from friends and families, and others will rent a storage unit for their belongings.

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Storage units are less expensive than renting an apartment, the reason why so many people break the law. There are hundreds of homeless who ended up living in storage units in the United States. It happens when you don’t have another place to go to. But there are always options.

The best thing to do if you found your self in this situation is, ask your municipality. Local governments have local resources for shelters and food banks in emergency situations. Another option is, we advise to approach the storage facility staff so they can handle the situation. Storage companies have resources for this kind of situation. They can help you get back to your feet and help you find a safer place.

Authorities have vacated hundreds of residents from storage facilities due to safety and health concerns. There are some reasons why it is restricted, let’s discuss it below.

living inside storage

Why Living Inside Storage Unit is Prohibited?

Locked from the outside
For safety, storage facility staff will do make sure all the doors are closed and locked during their shift. Most storage unit doors are roll-up that is locked from the outside. Last year, a man was found dead inside when the storage unit caught on fire.

No Natural Light and No Windows
Psycologically, natural lights is very important for our life. Living in a no-window and no natural light will drag you more into depression due to your situation. And lack od light and space is not good for health especially for children.

No water supply
Living in a storage unit will end you up suffering from personal hygiene. Not having fresh and running water can result in health issues. Using the bathroom and taking a bath is limited. Living in a storage unit will end you up spending the majority of your day feeling uncomfortable.

Cooking inside storage unit is dangerous
Cooking without proper ventilation is hazardous and that causes a fire inside the storage unit. Grilling inside storage units will suffocate you and can cause serious health issues.

Living in a storage unit is not comfortable and illegal. As we mentioned, if you found your self having a hard time without nowhere to go, run to your municipality first, they have an allocated fund for this kind of situation.

Other Things You Should Never Keep Inside

When moving, a storage unit is one solution when you are downsizing or keeping your belongings safe. There are things you need to be aware of what you can keep inside storage units. Movers and storage companies have their own terms and guidelines of what you can and cannot store on their units. This is very important to know before packing your things.

Flammable Materials
This is very obvious, you should never store combustible or flammable materials. You don’t want your belongings in danger. Items like this are dangerous and prohibited.

Medicinal Supplies
Some medicine containing radioactive materials. Radioactive materials are not legally allowed to keep in storage facilities. Inform your mover before storing medical supplies.

Guns and Ammunition
Many movers don’t allow storing firearms and ammunition inside their storage unit. Ammunition is considered combustible, it can be hazardous to store it inside the facility.

Vehicles you don’t own
Unregistered vehicles are prohibited inside storage units. Make sure to inform your movers before doing this. Prepare your documents, make sure all paper works are updated.

Candles and Scented Materials
These are harmless materials, but the strong scent can attract pests, insects, mice, or rats. If you have no choice, wrap them sealed tight in a container to avoid the strong smell.

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