How to Protect Yourself While Moving (COVID-19)

March 6, 2023
How to Protect Yourself While Moving (COVID-19)

Need to make moving during COVID-19 as smooth and simple as could be expected under the circumstances? There are numerous steps you can take to prepare your home for the movers, keep up a safe distance, and alleviate the danger of coronavirus.

Moving During the Covid-19: Dos and Don’ts Comprehensive Guide

How to move during the Coronavirus pandemic – Moving (COVID-19)

Plan Your Travel

By what means will you travel to your new home? In front of moving day, take care to ensure your travel plans are as safe as could be allowed and can be adjusted if necessary. On the off chance that you need an inn or flight, book refundable reservations and ensure the cancellation policy will secure you if plans change.

Practice Safe Hygiene Measures

Wash your hands much of the time while moving, regardless of whether you aren’t loading boxes. Abstain from contacting your mouth and face. While interacting with movers, you can likewise wear gloves and a face mask for extra assurance; your movers ought to likewise be wearing gloves.

Sanitize your Belongings

As best as you are capable, keep your things Sanitize and free from germs by putting things in plastic bags and boxes. wrap your furniture in plastic that can be discarded when you are in your new home. Wear gloves when you unload and wash your hands regularly. Attempt to constrain outside exposure to your things in travel.

Also, Read: State of Moving In 2022 and Covid-19’s Effect

Practice Social Distancing

Your movers will be well disposed of yet keep up a safe distance during the coronavirus outbreak. Take care to likewise rehearse social distancing by remaining in any event 6 feet from the moving crew.

Give Hand Washing and Disinfection Supplies for Movers

If possible, leave hygiene products your movers can use to follow safe hand washing practices. You can leave paper towels and cleanser by your sink and hand sanitizer and bleach wipes by the passage.

Utilize New Cardboard Boxes

On the safe side, just utilize new cardboard boxes from your moving companies, bought at the store or boxes you as of now have at home. Abstain from utilizing reused moving boxes in light of the fact that coronavirus lives on surfaces like cardboard for as long as 24 hours.

Be Prepared For the Movers

At the point when the moving crew shows up, it’s useful to leave open entryways and windows in your home to improve indoor ventilation. Expanding the ventilation rate is accepted to diminish the cross-contamination of airborne irresistible ailment by weakening or evacuating polluted airborne droplets.

To keep your move easier and safer during this tough time, here are the best interstate moving and storage companies to help you with your moving needs.

Moving Tips: Things to Do During The Coronavirus Pandemic
4 Important Factors to Keep in Mind When Moving
COVID-19 Update: How to Prepare your Move during Corona Pandemic?

Why You Should Hire a Moving Company

March 6, 2023
Why You Should Hire a Moving Company

In life, we progress daily, and as we grow, we have to move to bigger and better places. But moving is no small task and requires some expertise, or it could go very wrong with items being destroyed or lost in the process. Here are a few reasons why you should hire a moving company.

Also, Read: Critical Steps to Hiring a Mover in 2022

More Time for Other Activities

When moving, we tend to get overwhelmed with the whole process, whether you are an individual or a company. You don’t have time to spend with friends and family before moving to another location. Finding great moving services from companies like Wowmover helps you to manage your time properly.

You don’t have to worry about your belongings because they are in safe hands. While planning to move, you can take out time to do other things and clear up pending matters. You also have more time to spend with friends, family, and loved ones.

Saves Money

By now, you are wondering, “How does hiring a moving company save me money. I am going to pay for their services, aren’t I?” Yes, you will, but it doesn’t mean money isn’t saved. Wowmover is very affordable, no matter the distance. A long-distance move with the right equipment will save you the cost of having to repair or replace broken or lost items.

Also, when using professional movers, your property is insured- this means that if they break it, they buy it. As opposed to handling the move yourself where if anything gets damaged, you only get to blame yourself. Long-distance moving companies usually have several insurance options that cover damages. So, one of the questions you should ask when hiring Wowmover is to ask what the insurance includes.

When making plans for the long-distance move, it’s more cost-effective to hire a long-distance mover that can take all your items as opposed to making long trips back and forth.

Related Topic: How to File Claims Against a Moving Company for Damages and Losses

Using the Right Moving Equipment

Long-distance moving companies have all the equipment for moving. From the different sizes and kinds of boxes to disassembling big machines that are hard to move around in the original state. Wowmover has all the tools for handling and securing both fragile and strong items.

With the help of a long-distance moving company, you have all the equipment you need to make moving easier.

Reduces Stress

For a lot of people, the thought of having to sort, pack, lift, and unload items takes away their sleep for a while, it makes them anxious, worried, and confused. Wowmover helps to take the stress off you while you have the mental strength to focus on other things. You may only decide to spend time instructing and supervising the move.

Hiring a moving company will save you a lot of time, energy, and money, giving you the much-desired outcome of having to move your belongings from one location to the other.

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Why Americans are So Active in Moving?

March 5, 2023
Why Americans are So Active in Moving?

Americans are shakers and movers, with the focus on “movers.” This is the reason why Americans are so active in moving.

We relocate far more frequently than our counterparts in other regions of the world.

Why are Americans so active in moving is to improve their family and personal situations, gain wealth, and save money. Of course, these are just a few of the numerous reasons we’re open to moving.

This post will look at a few other causes, intriguing statistics, and how the COVID-19 epidemic has impacted domestic migration.

The Impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on Moving

Most of us had never heard of COVID-19 before early 2020.

When it first appeared, though, the nation was filled with confusion and widespread terror.

Lockdowns and quarantines became the norm, and private enterprises and government institutions shut down at an alarming rate.

Job losses and financial problems followed, and many severely afflicted were forced to relocate.

Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, about 20% of American people have temporarily or permanently relocated out of their houses or apartments.
Because of the pandemic, young adults aged 18 to 29 were statistically more likely to relocate.
Minorities and people from low-income families relocated more than their wealthier coworkers, neighbors, and family members.

Why Americans are So Active in Moving?

For a Variety of reasons, Americans are on the move.

Approximately 30 million Americans relocated last year.

That’s around 9.5 percent of the population of almost 330 million people.

About 85 percent stayed in the state, while most relocated to other states.

There are several primary reasons why Americans, particularly young professionals, relocate so frequently.

Among them are:

Other Factors:

Statistics on Global Relocation

Unless you’re a statistics nerd and a moving and storage guru (which there aren’t many of), you probably didn’t know that around 8% of adults move every year around the world.

According to a 2013 Gallop study, this translates to approximately 400 million adults aged 18 and up, not including their children.

Unfortunately, this surge in relocation traffic has corresponded with a steep rise in moving scams, emphasizing the importance of working with the best moving companies.

Annual Relocation Statistics By Region

The average American moves about a dozen times during their lifetime.

Get a free quote for your full-service relocation today!

Find A Mover

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How to Overcome the Fear of Moving

March 5, 2023
How to Overcome the Fear of Moving

Despite the numerous valid reason you have for moving, the pressure and anxiety surrounding it can sometimes take all the fun out a lifestyle change. However, with a couple of helpful indications, you can face your moving fears and jump on that truck with certainty and excitement.

My friends will abruptly have different plans

You’d prefer to trust your companions will be there when you need them, however as schedules top off, it gets increasingly hard to get everybody in a similar spot (particularly when you need them to work). Employing a team, for example, XfinityMoving will guarantee that you have experienced, professional movers close by when you need them.

In the event that you choose to place your trust in your flaky companions, ensure you allow a lot of time to finish the move (that is, expect you’ll be doing it without anyone else’s help and don’t depend on your friends to complete it).

Also Read: Top 5 Of The Most Safest and Cheapest Places to Live in America

I’ll break something

The dread of losing or breaking something valuable is sufficient to make even the bravest soul put down roots for eternity. Be that as it may, you don’t need to live in fear! Appropriate packing and moving procedures can spare you from most mishaps. Keeping an inventory rundown, the more organized the better will help keep with following of even the smallest knickknacks from Point A to Point B.

Sound like a lot of work? Professional movers do not just have the muscles and information to pack and move your things securely, they can provide you with moving insurance on the off chance that the unimaginable occurs.

It takes excessively long

While it relies upon the size of your home and the measure of boxes and furniture you have, moving into another home can take a day or more. In any case, if the idea of moving boxes and couches throughout the day is excessively overwhelming, you can generally designate the undertaking to a professional moving team. (They do this consistently, so they’re done in a matter of seconds!)

On the off chance that you decide to use loved ones, try to be vital about your move. Pack early and mark all boxes with the room they go in. When stacking things onto the truck, first load things that will come off the truck last and the other way around. This will spare you worry at your destination.

Fears About Moving and How to Overcome Them

I’ll harm myself trying to lift my couches

Furniture, pool tables, light fixtures, a few things are best left to the pros! Professional moving crews have the muscles, knowledge, and equipment expected to move the heaviest pieces without injury to themselves or your possessions.

Also Read: How to Prepare the Night before the Move?

If you forego the moving team, make sure you lift with cautions especially from the legs! and don’t try to take on beyond what you can deal with. It might likewise worth requesting that a trucking company move only the large things, leaving the smaller cardboard boxes for you and your family to move.

I won’t like my new residence.

In case you’re fortunate, you’ll move since you need to. Be that as it may, in case you’re moving for work, school, or in any case “without wanting to,” it tends to be difficult to leave everything and everybody you’re used to. Start by grasping the change. Odds are, there’s, in any event, one thing you’re anticipating about your new house or city. Focus on the reasons why you’re picking up and relocating.

Next, ensure you acquaint yourself with your new neighborhood. Find an extraordinary nearby café, a cool coffeehouse, or even a pretty park that will make the new house feel like home. (This is likewise an extraordinary way to make new companions.)

Finally, make sure you still keep in contact with your loved ones back home. Social media and occasional visits will assist you to feel close to home.

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Moving To Another State? Here’s What To Consider

March 4, 2023
Moving To Another State? Here’s What To Consider

Moving to another state is a time-consuming process that requires patience and planning, from packing goods and locating a place to live to weighing moving choices and meeting new acquaintances. We can assist you if you’re unsure how to relocate to another state. Our out-of-state relocation checklist makes relocating to a new state simple and painless. Here’s how to make a seamless and efficient move out of state.

Climate Conditions and Changes

The climate up north can be totally different from states (and urban areas) down south. Indeed, even the east and west drifts have unmistakable climate conditions that ought to be thought about. That is the reason it’s imperative to realize what the yearly climate condition is, just as what season you ought to expect upon your date of appearance. At last, the atmosphere will influence different parts of your life including:

Moving to other State

Being a huge country, the contiguous United States is home to a wide variety of climates. However, in general, it has a continental climate, with cold winters (often frigid) and hot summers (sometimes very hot), with a different season duration depending on latitude and distance from the sea

Cultures and Beliefs

American beliefs are in many different things, such as freedom, religion, and values. Some American values are equality, liberty, and self-government. When immigrants come into the United States they bring their culture and every single one of those cultures are combined to create what American culture is

Via Tasty

You have to have a thought of the sort of individuals you will experience in your new home. A portion of the inquiries you have to ask is:

Licenses and Permits

Some type of state license or permit is required for nearly all businesses. A state tax permit, for example, is required for any business (operating in states with sales tax) that sells products or services

In the event that you need to proceed with your career or staying in your new state, you have to know whether you have the best possible licenses and enlistments to do as such. You have to twofold check the accompanying:

Laws and Legal Issues

The United States of America is under a Federal sort of Government that permits each state to have its own exceptional laws and guidelines. This implies the principles that apply in Florida for instance, may not really apply in Louisiana. The absolute most significant things you have to look at are their laws about:

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Guide On How To Buy a Moving Leads

March 4, 2023
Guide On How To Buy a Moving Leads

How to buy moving leads: Every business is after one thing, so as moving companies, leading to sales. The worrying thing for you is that every day there are over a thousand moving leads sold in the U.S.

It gets worse, unfortunately. You’re not the only business buying leads from moving companies. If every day there are thousands of moving leads sold and every lead has anywhere from 3-5 moving businesses bidding on it, imagine how much money is spent on jobs that are never gained. Movers tell us their conversion rates are 3 percent or less for purchased leads.

It can be a challenging and expensive job to maneuver across the landscape of providers of shifting leads. Leads need to be qualified and exclusive, but it can be a boon for your company to find the right approach.

Not all the places that sell moving leads are made equal, with the industry as booming as it is. You really get what you pay for in this situation, as for most of the moving industry. There could be a strong reason for it if you’re just paying $25 for a lead.

Don’t ever be afraid to cash out a few extra bucks per lead. It’s the best way to ensure you get a quality moving leads that actually make you a lot of money. If you have no agency, then it’s not really an option but a requirement to buy leads.

How to Choose a Moving Leads

Determine how many moving companies the provider sells each lead to in order to ensure a better Return of investment or ROI. Strive to figure out a service that limits its moving leads to 3-5 moving businesses. It’s going to be more costly, but you’re a lot more likely to book appointments.

It will significantly assist you in finding a service that enables you to set a regular or monthly target. You can set it that way and forget it, trusting that your finances will remain in order.

Cancel Bad Leads:
A simple method for voiding unauthorized leads would be applicable to the best providers.

Insured and Licensed:
Seek a service that includes full licensing and insurance for its moving companies. It will employ the right prospective clients and keep the reputation of your brand safe.

Website Check:
An obsolete website means that they are less likely to pay attention to information or are simply lazy companies.

Top Moving Companies
Xfinity Moving
College Hunk
Two Men and a Truck
All My Sons Moving and Storage
College Hunk
Portable On Demands
Budget Truck Rental
Best Interstate Moving + Storage

Things To Know Before Moving To Clarksville, TN

March 3, 2023
Things To Know Before Moving To Clarksville, TN

Moving to Clarksville, TN? Clarksville is the fifth-largest city in the state of Tennessee, is home to Montgomery County, and is growing rapidly—the fifth fastest-growing city in the country with a population of over 50,000 and the second fastest-growing major city.

This guide will tell you all about the weather, living costs, schools, job opportunities, and lifestyle if you are planning or considering a move to this Southern military town so that you can prepare for your move and decide if it is the right place for you.

Moving to Clarksville, TN? We offer you the finest, reliable, best interstate moving companies we have handpicked and verified for moving.

Guide Moving to Clarksville, TN

Climate in Clarksville

The town is located in a humid subtropical climate, with 4 different seasons. Hot and humid summers, and mild yet cool winters. There is significant precipitation—about 50-inches a year. The area, however, receives very little snowfall only 6.9-inches per year.

Temperatures hit the 90s in the summer, and in the winter, they drop as low as the 20s. When going to Clarksville to satisfy the seasonal contrasts in the weather, be sure to pack a diverse wardrobe.

Moving Services in Clarksville
Xfinity Moving
College Hunk
Two Men and a Truck
All My Sons Moving and Storage
College Hunk
Portable On Demands
Budget Truck Rental
Best Interstate Moving + Storage

Check also: Best Moving Companies Long-Distance: Find the Right One


You should probably head downtown if you’re looking for shopping and recreation in your new place. Clarksville’s historic downtown area features 1870s architecture, art galleries, boutiques, antique stores, brewing pubs, and restaurants run by locals. The neighborhood also hosts the Cultural Center and also home to the historic attractions Roxy Theatre and the Customs House Museum.

Port Royal, Sango, the Mississippi Ave./Bastogne Ave. area, Kirkwood/Hampton St. area, Dunbar Cave Rd./Old Russellville Pike area, Excell/Fredonia, Peachers Mill Rd./Tiny Town Rd. area, and Trenton rd./Needmore Rd. area are the safest areas in the city if you’re looking for protection.

Car Registration Moving to Clarksville

You have to register your car within 30 days of moving to Tennessee permanently. This can be done at the office of any County Clerk, and your current registration, title, proof of identity, proof of residency, and certification for emissions inspection will be required.

You must visit any Tennessee driver’s license center within 30 days of moving to the state in order to move your driver’s license to the state. You’re going to have to pass a vision test and display evidence of identification, residency, and citizenship. Tennessee is one of the few states with no minimum requirement for auto insurance, but you must show that you comply with the Financial Responsibility Law requirements to ensure that you are economically capable of covering your own damage. You will have to take the road skills exam and the written test if your out of state license has expired for more than six months.

Schools in Clarksville

If you move to the city with children, you can enroll them in the school system of Clarksville-Montgomery County. In the county, the district operates 36 facilities and serves 30,000 students. That includes seven high schools, seven middle schools, 20 primary schools, and K-5 grades serving one magnet school.

There are several colleges in the city if you are pursuing higher education, including Austin Peay State University, a public college; a private Christian-affiliated college, the North Bible Tennessee Bible Institute; and Nashville State Community College, a two-year prep school in neighboring Nashville.

Jobs Moving to Clarksville

Clarksville had an 8% unemployment rate as of the first quarter of 2013–approximately the same amount as the national average. You may apply for government positions here or get employment details and resources at the Tennessee Career Center in Clarksville if you are relocating to the city without a job. The Clarksville Chamber of Commerce will provide you with the funds to get you started whether you are a small business owner or would like to open a business in the area.

Major employers include American Standard, Bridgestone Metalpha U.S.A., Convergys Corporation, and Josten’s. The town’s biggest employer is Fort Campbell, a U.S. Base in the Army.

Cost of Living in Clarksville

The good news is that this town is a reasonably inexpensive place to call home if you are considering moving to Clarksville. The total cost of living is three percent below the national average, with housing 11 percent lower than the standard American city as the most economical amenity in the country. At nine percent below average, groceries are close behind.

There are also low transportation and utility costs—both are seven percent more accessible than in other towns. The cost of healthcare is about the same as in the rest of the world.

The average one-bedroom apartment in the city goes for around $811 a month if you are looking to rent, while the usual two-bedroom would cost about $1,062 a month. The median home price is estimated at $164,900 if you plan to purchase.

8 Tips to Minimize Your Hassle When Moving

March 3, 2023
8 Tips to Minimize Your Hassle When Moving

Moving to a new home can drive you nuts. The burden of having to move can break you and don’t even start thinking that you can do it alone. The mayhem of can caught you off guard and turn everything into a disaster. In order to minimize hassle when moving, and make it more fun, here are 9 tips you can follow.

1. Organized and Plan your move

Organizing and planning your move down to very last detail can help you prepare for anything. It will also make your life a little bit easier when moving.

So, plan and execute properly will help you lessen the stress of moving.

2. Hire a movers or move yourself?

Moving is difficult, that’s given. So, should you hire a professional mover or move by yourself?

There are a lot of things to consider whether you hire or not.
First, is the quality and trustworthy of the moving company. You have to do a lot research and ask the proper question when hiring a movers. Second, you have to consider your budget and how well you can handle the stress of moving by your own.

3. Setting the Schedule

Moving is complicated enough but if you set your schedule right and plan it properly you should be able to transition smoothly.

You need to do the planning and put a time frame so you can do everything from packing to cleaning (if you have to) before the truck gets to your place.

4. Consider and prepare your budget

One crucial part of moving is the budget. You have to make sure you have to make sure you set enough money for your move, from hiring a mover to settling down to your new place.

5. Sort your items properly

If you haven’t sorted your stuff in years this could really take time but it is also the best time to do it. This is the one thing that will surely minimize your hassle when moving

Go through all your stuff and seperate what you need and want to take with you.

sorting items to minimize hassle when moving

6. Donate your unnecessary stuff

Once you sorted all your stuff you should have a pile of what you need and want. One rule of thumb when sorting your stuff is “If the item hasn’t been used in years, you probably won’t use it anymore”.

So donate all the items you no longer need to lessen the stuff you will take with you and make your move a little bit lighter.

7. Cutting Corners

So, you already planned your move. You have your budget ready, you have your stuff sorted, what’s next?

Sit down and check where you can cut your budget, look for tips to ensure you can save money and spend a little less that what you planned for.

8. Packing Supplies

Moving needs to have the right supplies; tapes, locks, boxes, and more. You have to make sure that you are getting the following item at an affordable price. Also, you can contact affordable storage to see if they have a deal for it.

So, once you have prepared everything, you have your budget, you packed your stuff, donated the unwanted things it is time to go, and transition to your new home.

Everything shouldn’t be as hard as you thought to make sure to follow the steps in preparing properly to minimize hassle when moving, contact and conduct price check from moving companies near you, check for storage and etc.

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Reasons Why We Should All Be Moving To California

March 3, 2023
Reasons Why We Should All Be Moving To California

Many people dream of living in California. It’s a lot of people’s dreams, including me. There is much reason why people love moving to California. Is it a great idea? Here, we are going to discuss why California is a People’s Dream to live.

It’s California, everybody knows it’s a great place. There is a lot of tourist attraction in the States to visit. Thousand of people- if not millions visiting California every month. Hundreds of properties are available for sale, the real estate market is booming. You only need to find what you need and most importantly budget in order for you to move in the state.

Yosemite National Park
Yosemite National Park

Many people say Southern California has the best weather in the world! Well no matter where in California, you can expect great weather. Since the warming of air does not normally produce clouds, its a perfect climate for everyone to enjoy.

weather in california

California’s landscape is recognizable. From nice beaches, lakes, and dessert, to beautiful valleys. If you love adventure, California is the perfect place for you.

If you love eating, California has a lot to offer. Food is another pride of the state. From food truck, delicious cuisine to a luxury restaurant that serves world-class food in the world.

Education in California is top-notch. There are many top schools based in the states. Bachelor’s Degree? Masters Degree? You name it. You can pursue any field you can think of.

stanford University

If you love nightlife like me, you can find any kind of party in the state. Hangout with celebrities like a regular day. From San Francisco to Los Angeles, they have the best clubs in the world.

Also, Read: Relocation Guide 2021: Moving to Pasadena, CA


Moving to North Carolina? Here is your Relocation Guide

March 3, 2023
Moving to North Carolina? Here is your Relocation Guide

Moving to North Carolina? North Carolina holds a special place in the hearts of all who discover its charms, known for its pristine nature, the spectacular Appalachian Mountains, temperate weather, and over 300 miles of coastline.

The Tar Heel State offers a mix of affordability southern hospitality, entertainment, and great opportunities, education, and more, from young singles to older folks enjoying their golden years.

Captivated by the Magic of North Carolina? If you are moving to North Carolina, here are the things you need to know.

moving to North Carolina
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA skyline.

Guide Moving to North Carolina

Also, Read:
Moving to Raleigh, NC? Here’s What You Need To Know Before You Go!
Things to Know Before Moving to Charlotte, NC

What we love living in North Carolina?

Climate: Here, the weather is perfect. In January, the average temp along the coast hovers about 50 ° F and 60 ° F. Summers are rarely greater than 100 ° F, but they may be humid and hot.

Living cost: Overall, it is relatively inexpensive for the state. Your money goes further here with a cost of living index lower than the percentage of the US average.

Outdoor sports: Nature lovers have an infinite range of sights and sports at their fingertips, from the Great Smoky Mountains to the beautiful coastline.

Hospitality: Life is rooted in southern charm and hospitality in the Tar Heel State, where people are warm and friendly. This is a generalization, of course, but for the most part, it is accurate.

Slower Speed: If you’re tired of other areas of the country’s busy areas, the state provides a pleasant change of pace with a slower way of life.

Food & Drink: Some of the best in the nation are NC barbeques. Top restaurants can also be found across the state, particularly in the Raleigh metro.

Demand For Housing

Is buying a home or renting in NC cheaper?
It relies on areas, like most other states. Overall, ownership is very affordable. In many cities, including Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, and Raleigh, if you live there for at least four years, it’s becoming a better financial choice to buy.

According to a recent report, buying (average mortgage of $1,294 / month) versus renting (average rent of $1,493 / month) in Raleigh over 48 months is more affordable.

Median Home Value: $184,200
Average rent: $1,179 each month

Living Expenses

The cost of living in North Carolina is 5 percent lower than the national average, according to PayScale.

Here are some contrasts of costs to the rest of the nation:
Housing = 30% lower for housing 
Utilities = 4% lower than national average  
Groceries = 13% higher than the national average 
Transportation = 8 percent lower than transport 

Here is a median cost breakdown: 
Energy Bill = $162
Phone Bill = $172
Median home value = $184,200 
Median Rent = $757

Demand for Economy & Work 

North Carolina came in at # 29, according to a 2019 state economic index. A non-farm payroll job growth rate of 2.3 percent (11th in the nation) and a GDP growth rate of 3.4 percent (10th highest) was determined by Rank, among other factors.

Top Industries in North Carolina
Energy (Nuclear, Cleantech, Smart Grids)
Food Processing & Manufacturing
Information Technology
Plastics & Chemicals
Aerospace & Defense
Automotive, Truck & Heavy Machinery
Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals
Business & Financial Services
Corporate Headquarters

Major Employers in NC
Smithfield Foods
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Back of America Corp.
Wake Forest Baptist Health
East Carolina University
Wells Fargo Bank
Rex Health Care, Inc.
Duke Children’s Hospital
Duke Energy Corp.
Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital
Novant Health Forsyth Med Center
Charter Communications
Cape Fear Valley Medical Center
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Queens University of Charlotte
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Sylvan Learning Center – Fayetteville
House of Raeford Farms Inc.
WakeMed Health and Hospitals

Are you moving to North Carolina? We’re ready to help! Request a free quote today.