The Impact of Moving on Your Mental Health and How to Cope

November 3, 2023
The Impact of Moving on Your Mental Health and How to Cope

Moving, particularly across state lines, signifies a significant life change that can both excite and unsettle even the most resilient individuals. The prospect of a new beginning and fresh opportunities can bring a sense of adventure, but the process of moving itself can also evoke a whirlwind of emotions. Understanding the emotional rollercoaster associated with moving is crucial, as it allows us to address these feelings head-on and implement effective coping mechanisms.


Understanding the Emotional Rollercoaster of Moving

Moving goes beyond the physical act of packing and relocating; it triggers a cascade of emotions. Leaving behind the familiar can stir a mix of feelings, including excitement, sadness, anxiety, and apprehension. Let’s delve deeper into these emotional nuances.


The Excitement of New Beginnings

Moving offers the prospect of a fresh start, providing opportunities for personal and professional growth. Exploring a new city, meeting diverse people, and experiencing a different way of life can be incredibly enriching. Embracing this excitement is vital, as it can fuel your motivation to overcome the challenges that come with moving.


The Grief of Saying Goodbye

Simultaneously, moving involves bidding farewell to your current life—a process that can trigger grief-like emotions. Leaving behind familiar places, cherished memories, and close friends can evoke a sense of loss. It’s essential to acknowledge these feelings and give yourself permission to mourn what you’re leaving behind.


Anxiety and Uncertainty

The logistics of moving, such as finding a new home, job, or school for your children, can induce anxiety. Uncertainty about the future, coupled with the fear of the unknown, can weigh heavily on your mind. This anxiety is natural but needs to be managed effectively to prevent it from becoming overwhelming.


The Impact of Moving on Mental Health

  1. Stress and Physical Health: The stress associated with moving can take a toll on your physical health. Lack of sleep, poor eating habits, and neglecting exercise are common during such transitions, further exacerbating mental health issues.
  2. Relationship Strain: Moving can strain relationships, especially if family members have different opinions about the move. Open communication and understanding each other’s concerns are essential to maintain healthy relationships.
  3. Children and Emotional Well-being: Moving can be particularly challenging for children, who might struggle to adjust to a new school and make new friends. Paying attention to their emotional well-being is crucial, as it impacts the entire family dynamic.


Coping Strategies for a Smooth Transition

  1. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practicing mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises can help manage anxiety and stress. These techniques promote emotional balance and resilience.
  2. Journaling: Writing about your feelings and experiences in a journal can be cathartic. It allows you to process your emotions, gain perspective, and track your progress in adapting to the new environment.
  3. Social Support Networks: Actively seek out social support networks in your new community. Engaging with local clubs, volunteering, or attending community events can help you establish connections and combat feelings of isolation.
  4. Therapeutic Interventions: If your emotional struggles persist, consider therapy or counseling. A mental health professional can provide valuable guidance and support tailored to your specific needs.



Moving interstate is undoubtedly a multifaceted experience, impacting not only your physical surroundings but also your emotional well-being. By recognizing the emotional complexities of moving and implementing proactive coping strategies, you can navigate this transition with resilience and grace. Remember that seeking help is a sign of strength, and with the right support systems in place, you can transform this challenging period into a transformative journey toward personal growth and self-discovery.

What is the Commercial Moving Process Like?

October 20, 2023
What is the Commercial Moving Process Like?

Whether your company is expanding, downsizing, or just looking for a change of scenery, the commercial moving process is something that many businesses will encounter at some point. Commercial moving is a complex and intricate task, but with the right guidance, it can be a smooth transition. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of commercial moving, uncover the key steps involved, and offer valuable insights to help you navigate the process seamlessly.


Understanding Commercial Moving

Commercial moving involves the relocation of businesses from one location to another. This is a far cry from the typical residential move, as it encompasses various aspects that are unique to the business world. In essence, it’s not just about moving from point A to point B; it’s about ensuring that your business operations continue without significant disruptions. For businesses, time is money, and the seamless transition of assets and operations is of paramount importance.


The Role of Moving Services

Commercial moving is a mammoth task that requires professional expertise. This is where moving services come into play. These specialized services are provided by moving companies that are well-versed in the intricacies of commercial relocations. They understand the importance of minimizing downtime and keeping your business running smoothly.


Selecting the Right Commercial Moving Company

Choosing the right commercial moving companies is a critical decision that can make or break your relocation experience. It’s essential to do your due diligence and research various moving companies before making a final decision. The key factors to consider when selecting commercial movers include their experience, reputation, insurance coverage, and the range of services they offer.


Planning and Preparation

Commercial moving doesn’t happen overnight; it requires meticulous planning and preparation. This involves creating a comprehensive plan that outlines every step of the process. The plan should include a timeline, a budget, and a clear inventory of all items that need to be moved. Having a solid plan in place is the first step in ensuring a successful commercial move.


Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Mistakes in commercial moving can be costly. To help you steer clear of potential pitfalls, here are some valuable tips:

  1. Early Communication: Ensure that all employees are informed well in advance about the upcoming move. Clear and open communication is key.
  2. Inventory Management: Keep a detailed inventory of all assets to prevent loss or damage during the move.
  3. Technology Transition: Plan for the transition of your IT infrastructure and ensure minimal downtime.
  4. Legal and Compliance Issues: Address any legal or compliance issues related to your business location or industry.


The Commercial Moving Process


Step 1: Assessment and Planning

The first phase of commercial moving is an in-depth assessment of your current workspace. This includes taking stock of all equipment, furniture, and supplies. The planning phase involves determining the optimal layout for your new workspace and making decisions about the allocation of resources.

Step 2: Packing and Labeling

Packing and labeling are crucial steps in the commercial moving process. Professional moving companies provide specialized packing services to ensure that your assets are secure and organized during transport. Each item should be carefully labeled for easy identification at the new location.

Step 3: Transportation

Once everything is packed and labeled, the next step is transportation. This involves the physical move of your assets to the new location. You can choose from various transportation options, such as moving containers, which offer flexibility and security.

Step 4: Setup and Installation

After arriving at the new location, it’s time to set up and install all the equipment and furniture. Your commercial movers will assist in this phase, ensuring that everything is arranged according to the plan.


The Role of Technology

In today’s digital age, technology plays a significant role in the commercial moving process. It’s not just about physical assets; it’s also about ensuring the seamless transition of your IT infrastructure. This includes moving servers, workstations, and other technology assets without causing disruptions to your business operations.

Step 5: Testing and Inspection

Before declaring the move a success, thorough testing and inspection are essential. This involves checking all equipment and ensuring that everything is in working order. It’s a critical step to avoid any surprises down the road.

Step 6: Employee Orientation

Once the move is complete, it’s crucial to familiarize your employees with the new workspace. Employee orientation includes guiding them through the new layout, helping them settle into their new workstations, and addressing any questions or concerns.


The Benefits of Hiring Professional Commercial Movers

Hiring commercial movers offers several advantages. Here are some of the key benefits:



In the world of business, change is inevitable, and when it comes to changing locations, the commercial moving process is a vital aspect of a company’s journey. From the initial assessment and planning to the final setup and employee orientation, commercial moving involves a series of well-orchestrated steps that require careful execution.

When embarking on a commercial move, it’s essential to partner with the right commercial moving companies to ensure a smooth transition. This decision, coupled with a well-thought-out plan, will pave the way for a successful relocation. By understanding the intricacies of the commercial moving process and avoiding common pitfalls, your business can continue to thrive in its new location.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Wow Mover for expert guidance and assistance with your commercial move. Whether you are looking for the best interstate moving companies, top local movers, or the right moving containers, we have you covered. Your business’s success is our priority, and we are here to make your commercial move a seamless and stress-free experience.

How to Get the Most Accurate Moving Quotes

October 19, 2023
How to Get the Most Accurate Moving Quotes

Relocating to a new home can be both exciting and daunting. Amidst the anticipation of a fresh start, the logistics of moving can often pose a challenge. One of the pivotal aspects of a smooth move is obtaining accurate moving quotes. Whether you’re considering long distance movers or local experts, understanding the nuances of moving services is key to a hassle-free experience. In this comprehensive guide brought to you by WowMover, we’ll explore the art of securing precise moving quotes, ensuring your transition to a new chapter is seamless and stress-free.


Understanding the Dynamics: What Are Moving Quote?

1. Decoding Moving Quotes

Moving quotes are estimates provided by moving companies detailing the cost of their services. These quotes encompass various factors such as the distance of the move, the volume of belongings, additional services required, and the intricacies of the relocation process. Obtaining accurate moving quotes is essential as it empowers you to plan your budget effectively, ensuring there are no surprises on moving day.

“Moving quotes are the roadmap to a successful relocation. The more precise the quote, the smoother your move will be.” – Relocation Expert

2.  Comparing Moving Quotes: Gig Harbor Moving Company

Gig Harbor, known for its picturesque surroundings, hosts a variety of moving companies. WowMover’s Gig Harbor Moving Company collection allows you to compare free quotes from different movers in the area. This service ensures you have a plethora of options, enabling you to choose a company that aligns with your requirements and budget.


Navigating the World of Moving Services: A Closer Look


1. The Importance of Research: Two Men and a Truck Cost

When it comes to moving, research is your best friend. WowMover provides insights into the Two Men and a Truck Cost, a renowned moving service. Understanding the pricing structure of reputable companies aids in making an informed decision. Gathering information about pricing models, additional services, and customer experiences equips you with the knowledge to select the perfect moving partner.


2. Why Asking for Moving Quotes Is Crucial

Asking for moving quotes might seem routine, but it holds immense significance. WowMover’s article on Why Is It Very Important to Ask for a Moving Quote? delves into the reasons behind this practice. Accurate quotes prevent misunderstandings, allowing both parties to be on the same page regarding costs and services. A proactive approach to gathering quotes ensures a transparent and smooth moving experience.


Choosing the Right Partners: Expert Interstate and Local Movers


1. Best Interstate Moving Companies

For long-distance moves, choosing the right interstate moving company is paramount. WowMover’s collection of the Best Interstate Moving Companies provides a curated list of reliable options. These companies specialize in cross-country relocations, ensuring your belongings are in safe hands during the journey. Detailed moving quote from these companies empower you to make an informed choice, tailored to your specific requirements.


2.  Top Local Movers

Local moves come with their own set of challenges and requirements. WowMover’s selection of the Top Local Movers highlights companies renowned for their expertise in local relocations. Moving within the same city or neighborhood requires precision and efficiency. These local movers offer competitive quotes, ensuring your move is efficient, timely, and budget-friendly.


Tips for Securing Accurate Moving Quotes

Securing accurate moving quotes involves a strategic approach. Here are some tips to ensure the quotes you receive align with your expectations and needs:

“Accurate moving quotes are the foundation of a successful move. By being proactive and thorough in your research, you pave the way for a seamless relocation experience.” – Moving Enthusiast


In Conclusion: Your Journey to a Smooth Move

Navigating the intricacies of moving quotes is a pivotal step in ensuring a successful relocation. WowMover, your trusted partner in the moving industry, simplifies this process by providing access to a plethora of moving services, each accompanied by accurate and competitive quotes. By understanding the dynamics of moving quotes and embracing the tips provided, you embark on your moving journey well-prepared and informed.

“At WowMover, we don’t just offer moving services; we offer peace of mind. Our curated selection of movers and accurate quotes are designed to make your relocation experience smooth, efficient, and stress-free.” – WowMover Team

So, how do you get the most accurate moving quotes? By leveraging the expertise of WowMover, exploring their curated collections, and being proactive in your research. With the right moving partner by your side, your move transforms into an adventure filled with anticipation, excitement, and the promise of a new beginning.

In Summary:


Interstate Moving and the Environment: A Greener Approach to Relocation

October 18, 2023
Interstate Moving and the Environment: A Greener Approach to Relocation

In today’s fast-paced world, people are constantly on the move. Whether it’s for a job opportunity, a change of scenery, or personal reasons, interstate moving has become a common part of modern life. However, as we embark on these journeys to new destinations, it’s essential to consider the environmental impact of our relocations. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of interstate moving and storage while highlighting the importance of environmentally conscious practices. Let’s embark on this eco-friendly journey together.


The Interstate Moving Landscape

Interstate Moving Defined: Interstate moving involves the relocation of individuals and families across state lines. It can be a daunting and complex process, often requiring professional assistance from moving companies. These companies offer various services, including packing, transportation, storage, and unpacking at the new destination.

Interstate moving and storage companies play a crucial role in simplifying the process of long-distance relocations. However, it’s essential to consider the environmental footprint of these activities.

Quote:Choosing an eco-friendly approach to interstate moving not only benefits the environment but also ensures a healthier future for generations to come.


How to Minimize the Environmental Impact

1. Choose Sustainable Packing Materials

Packing is a fundamental aspect of any move. Instead of relying on single-use plastic materials, opt for sustainable alternatives like cardboard boxes, biodegradable packing peanuts, and reusable containers. Many interstate moving companies offer eco-friendly packing options that reduce waste.

2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Before packing up your entire household, declutter and downsize. Donate, recycle, or sell items you no longer need. The less you move, the smaller your carbon footprint.

3. Green Transportation

Consider the mode of transportation used by your chosen moving company. Some companies invest in energy-efficient and low-emission vehicles, reducing the environmental impact of the move.

Tip:When hiring an interstate moving company, inquire about their commitment to environmentally responsible practices. Ask if they have a ‘green’ moving option and request a quote for this service.


Eco-Friendly Interstate Moving Companies

As the demand for eco-friendly moving practices grows, several interstate moving and storage companies are stepping up to provide greener solutions. Some companies have adopted the following environmentally conscious practices:

1. Fuel-Efficient Vehicle Fleets

Many moving companies now operate trucks with improved fuel efficiency and lower emissions. This minimizes the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation.

2. Renewable Energy Use

Moving and storage facilities can consume a significant amount of energy. Companies are increasingly transitioning to renewable energy sources to power their operations, reducing their reliance on fossil fuels.

3. Packing Material Alternatives

Environmentally responsible moving companies offer alternatives to traditional packing materials. They may provide customers with options like reusable crates or biodegradable packing supplies.

4. Carbon Offsetting

Some companies participate in carbon offset programs to neutralize the emissions produced during a move. This involves investing in projects that reduce or capture an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Collection:Looking for the right interstate moving company that aligns with your eco-conscious values? Our Comparing Moving Companies collection offers insights into evaluating and choosing the best environmentally responsible moving services.


The Importance of Environmental Responsibility

Interstate moving is a substantial industry, with thousands of people and families relocating across state lines daily. The collective impact of these moves on the environment is significant. It’s essential to recognize the importance of choosing sustainable practices that mitigate environmental harm while ensuring a smooth and efficient move.

Reducing Environmental Impact

Eco-friendly interstate moving isn’t just about minimizing waste or using green packing materials. It’s also about taking steps to reduce the overall environmental impact of the relocation process. By selecting a moving company that prioritizes sustainability, you contribute to the larger goal of preserving our planet.

Inspiring Change

Your choices can inspire change in the industry. As more customers demand eco-friendly moving services, companies are motivated to adopt environmentally responsible practices. Your voice and actions matter in creating a greener future for the moving and storage industry.


The Future of Interstate Moving and Storage

As we progress into the future, the sustainability of interstate moving and storage practices will continue to gain importance. Companies that prioritize eco-friendly solutions are more likely to thrive in this changing landscape, meeting the demands of environmentally conscious consumers.

Collection:Are you ready to make a difference and choose an eco-conscious interstate moving company for your next relocation? Our Best Moving Companies for Long-Distance Moves collection provides a list of top-rated moving companies that emphasize sustainable practices.


Conclusion: An Eco-Friendly Journey

Interstate moving and storage can be conducted in a manner that is both efficient and environmentally responsible. By making sustainable choices, you not only reduce your carbon footprint but also contribute to a greener future for the moving industry as a whole.

Embrace eco-friendly moving practices and set a positive example for others in your community. Let’s work together to protect our planet while enjoying a seamless and environmentally conscious relocation experience.

Note: At WowMover, we advocate for environmentally responsible moving practices. Explore our collections for expert guidance on sustainable moving options and make a difference with your next interstate move.

10 Tips for a Stress-Free Interstate Move: Your Complete Moving Guide

October 4, 2023
10 Tips for a Stress-Free Interstate Move: Your Complete Moving Guide

Most of us want a Stress-Free Interstate Move, Right? Moving to a new state can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. The idea of a fresh start in a new place is exhilarating, but the process of moving itself often seems overwhelming. Fear not! We have curated the ultimate guide to ensure your interstate move is not only smooth but also stress-free. Here are ten invaluable tips to make your move a breeze.


1. Plan Ahead and Stay Organized

One of the keys to a successful interstate move is meticulous planning. Create a detailed checklist outlining tasks to be completed before, during, and after the move. Utilize our Moving into a Dorm guide to help streamline your planning process.

“Organization is the cornerstone of a stress-free move. The more you plan, the smoother the process becomes.”


2. Choose the Right Time to Move

Timing is everything in the moving world. Discover the optimal times to move in our article, Most Expensive Month to Move. Understanding the seasonal trends can help you plan your move when costs are lower and availability is higher.


3. Be Prepared for Unexpected Challenges

Moving often comes with unforeseen challenges. Arm yourself with knowledge on handling unexpected situations by reading our insights on Handling Unexpected Challenges During a Residential Move. Being mentally prepared for surprises can significantly reduce stress.


4. Optimize Your Packing Strategy

Efficient packing is a game-changer. When it comes to packing, size matters! Check out our guide on Comparing Moving Container Sizes for Your Move. Knowing the right container sizes ensures your items fit snugly, minimizing the risk of damage during transit.


5. Understand the Costs Involved

Budgeting for an interstate move can be tricky. Our comprehensive guide, Here’s How Much Your Interstate Move Will Cost: A Comprehensive Guide, breaks down all the expenses involved. Having a clear understanding of costs helps you plan your budget effectively.

“Financial transparency is key. Know what you’re paying for to avoid surprises in your bill.”


6. Opt for Professional Help

Consider professional movers to alleviate the burden of relocation. Our guide on Faster and Easier Residential Moving highlights the benefits of hiring experts. They handle the logistics, allowing you to focus on settling into your new home.


7. Know the Average Interstate Moving Costs

Understanding the average costs involved in interstate moves is vital. Refer to our article, What Is the Average Interstate Moving Cost?, for detailed insights. This knowledge empowers you to negotiate effectively and ensures you don’t overpay for services.


8. Demystify Moving Estimates

Moving estimates can be confusing. Our Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Moving Estimates provides clarity. Being well-informed about estimates helps you make informed decisions about your move.


9. Declutter and Pack Smart

Before packing, declutter your belongings. Donate or sell items you no longer need. Pack strategically, ensuring similar items are grouped together. Utilize our guide on decluttering to streamline your packing process.

“Less clutter equals less stress. The lighter your load, the easier your move.”


10. Stay Positive and Embrace the Change

Moving is a significant life change. Embrace it with a positive mindset. View the move as an opportunity for growth and new experiences. Stay connected with our resources to make your transition smoother.

In conclusion, your stress-free interstate move begins with knowledge and planning. Utilize the resources provided by WowMover to make your move efficient, cost-effective, and, most importantly, stress-free. Armed with these tips and insights, you’re ready to embark on your interstate adventure with confidence! Safe travels and happy moving!

Experience the ease of a stress-free interstate move with WowMover.

Clever Moving Hacks to Make Your Move Easier

July 11, 2023
Clever Moving Hacks to Make Your Move Easier

It doesn’t have to be catastrophic to pack up your life and move down the street or across the world. Follow these residential moving tips, and before you know it, you can relax in your new room.

Load as far as possible in advance,

Ideally, weeks or even months in advance, you’ll know about a transfer (even though you’re not sure of the final destination). Start by packing items that are off-season and the items you won’t forget. Many things will already be ready to go when it’s time to pick them up. You will not be concerned about not getting all packed in time in the exhausting final weeks and days just before the transfer.

Make a moving folder

Start gathering in one folder new addresses, rental or purchase documents, moving contracts, and more. In the event that computer or phone batteries fail during the move, consider a physical copy, rather than a digital one. If any issues arise during the planning phase or the move itself, the response (and records of agreements, payments, and more) will be available.

Book Early

Book early if you hire residential moving services, rent supplies, or have services like painters or cleaners working on the building. Waiting to do so could mean paying a higher price, particularly if it’s peak moving season, or not being able to get a truck or movers at all.

Keep with you the basics

Tuck daily necessities on the night before the transfer, a change of clothing, a toothbrush, must-have stuffed animals or toys for the kids, medical prescriptions, papers, etc., into a suitcase or bag that you can keep in the car, the truck cab, or on the plane with you. If a tragedy happens and the moving truck gets misplaced, you’ll at least have some things with you.

Get rid of the whole thing

It can be difficult to load all your possessions into boxes, bags, and more. By cutting back on waste and clutter as much as possible, make things a bit easier on yourself. Do a ruthless purge of unused or unwanted things until you pack a single package. You’ll have less to pack, less to travel, and less to unpack, and you’ll begin life with a clean slate in your new house.

Invest in Equipment

To stock up on supplies a few days before the big step. When packing boxes or making sure everyone is out of the door, the last thing you want is to have to rush to the shop. Box cutters, adhesive bandages, permanent markers, packing tape, paper towels, and garbage bags may be ordered or purchased. If not all of them are used during the transfer, they will still be helpful afterward, especially during unpacking.

Consider leasing moving tools from a moving company for larger moving equipment. (They’ll definitely have their own if you employ a residential moving service.) If you travel very often, you might be better off buying these tools. Be sure to have a furniture dolly, furniture pads or covers, and tie-down straps or rope at your disposal during the transfer, either by purchasing, renting, or borrowing.

Schedule utility services for your new location

Contact your electricity suppliers once the dates are finalized to arrange service at your new home. Tired of driving, you don’t want to get there to find that the power, water, or heat is off. Schedule it in advance, and keep track in the moving folder of your requests. At the same time, frequent service stops for your move-out date at your current home.

Get a truck with a ramp for boarding

You desperately need a truck with a ramp if you’re a DIY mover. Renting a truck without one could be cheaper, but the hassle and struggle of lifting every box and piece of furniture high enough to get it into the truck would add hours to your moving plus sore muscles.

Get A Free Quote

faster residential moving

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How to Make Claims Against a Moving Company for Damages

March 22, 2023
How to Make Claims Against a Moving Company for Damages

Moving can be an exciting and overwhelming experience. Whether you’re moving locally or long-distance, there are a lot of things to consider and manage during the process. One of the biggest concerns is handling losses or damage during a move. No matter how careful you are, accidents can happen, and items can get lost or damaged. However, with the right preparation and approach, you can minimize the risk of loss or damage and handle it effectively if it does occur.


According to the report, there were 4,100 moving fraud complaints filed in 2017 alone, and counting. If you are getting scammed by a moving company, continue reading below in order to avoid scams and learn how to file a claim against a fraudulent moving company.


Related: The Importance of Reading Moving Reviews


How to File Claims Against a Moving Company for Damages and Losses


Report Issues at Delivery

Upon delivery of your shipment, inspect everything while the driver is still there if possible. Note any items that are missing, broken or visually damaged on the bill of lading form before signing. This serves as your notice to the moving company that you are making an official claim for those lost or harmed items right away. Get the driver’s contact information too in case more details are needed later on.


File a Formal Written Claim

Submit a detailed, signed inventory list of the missing, broken or damaged property within 9 months from delivery date to either your moving company directly or using the Department of Transportation claim form included in your Moving Guide. Describe each item claimed thoroughly along with date and costs estimates for replacement or repair. Attach photos if applicable to support your claim.


Request Devaluation/Settlement

The mover will acknowledge receiving your filed claim and may need to analyze and devalue the maximum payout based on the weight and nature of the articles claimed. This fair market value they determine for settlement may be different than your original purchase price. Consider accepting a lower devaluation or counter with proper documentation and receipts when reasonable.


Be Accessible During Investigation

Your mover has 60 days to investigate your filed claim and may need to contact you to arrange an inspection of the damaged items or follow up on details of what transpired during transit. Make sure to promptly respond to inquiries and schedule visits to avoid delaying reimbursement processing timeframes. Provide any receipts, estimates or photos requested to help substantiate your monetary loss claim.


Agree on Settlement or Appeal Decision

Once the claim investigation concludes, the mover will either make you a reimbursement offer to settle fully or partially. If the proposed settlement seems unfairly low compared to documented expenses, you can appeal their decision within 9 months of delivery through mediation. The American Moving and Storage Association provides binding arbitration services to help navigate disputes between shippers and movers.


Get Paid or Pursue Legal Action

Upon acceptance of any settlement agreement proposed by your mover or mediated by AMAS arbitration, expect to receive full reimbursement for agreed upon damages and losses within 60 days. If issues persist, you may need to contact your local consumer protection agencies, file a complaint with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) or consider pursuing further legal action through small claims court as a last resort to recover losses.


Evidence Needed to Support Damages Claims

To maximize your chances of success at receiving reimbursement for lost or damaged goods from movers, documentation is key throughout the entire claims process:



Factors Affecting Claim Reimbursement Amounts

Settlement offers from movers are often less than full retail prices when considering the following circumstances:

My advice is to be reasonable, keep receipts and accept small claims decisions gracefully whenever possible to maintain goodwill with movers for future reference. Litigation should always remain an last resort option.


Minimize Moving Day Losses and File Claims Promptly

While preparation unfortunately can’t eliminate all risks, taking proactive steps like these can better position you to file strong moving damage claims promptly if needed:



With diligent organization, paperwork and readily available evidence, the claims procedure stands the best shot at achieving maximum reimbursement for any moving mishaps in a reasonable manner without needing lengthy mediations or lawsuits. 


How to Avoid Moving Fraud

Consider these steps to avoid getting scammed by a moving company.

Do Your Research

A simple Google search is not enough! There are a lot of fake reviews out there that make the fake company look good. Go ahead to Yelp or the Better Business Bureau website, see if there are customer complaints, and cases against the company, and see if there are service ratings.

In-Person Representatives

Ask for quotations or estimates, and professional moving companies will send you personnel for on-site inspections. By this, you have a much clearer idea of cost so you can set your proper budget to stick with. They are obligated to give you a document “Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move”.

Don’t Hesitate to Ask

Ask everything you need to know, ask them if it’s calculated by volume or weight. Do they have a worker to do the packing or unloading of your belongings? If possible do it by yourself to lessen your expenses. Avoid those hidden fees ask them if there is an additional fee for the driver or packing materials. ( Also, Read Why It Is Very Important to Ask for Moving Quotes )

Upon receiving the written estimation, review it thoroughly. If all goes well and you find the best interstate movers, Prepare for your next move!

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Fall Moving Tips for a Stress-Free Move

March 8, 2023
Fall Moving Tips for a Stress-Free Move

Moving in the Fall? For a variety of reasons, now is an excellent time to relocate. The weather has turned cooler, and moving companies are more readily available. Furthermore, roads normally have less traffic, allowing you to drive faster. We’ve compiled a list of moving suggestions for the fall so you can prepare ahead and have a smooth transition.

Don’t Forget to Schedule Utilities Ahead of Time

When you move in, make sure your utilities are set up, especially if it’s going to be cold. This will allow you to feel at ease in your new house. After a long day of moving, you might want to take a hot shower. As a result, make sure you have electricity, water, and gas set up ahead of time.

Pay special attention to Maintenance

You may be selling your previous home if you are moving into a new one. If that’s the case, you’ll want to focus on upkeep in the fall to improve your curb appeal. The fall season brings more fallen leaves and decaying limbs. Trim the dead branches and collect the falling leaves to keep your curb appeal in tip-top shape. Furthermore, your gutters and downspouts are more likely to become clogged. So they don’t get clogged, clean them out. Make sure there aren’t any cracks or damages as well.

Clear the Walkways of Debris and Fallen Leaves

Fall can cause paths to get clogged with falling leaves and debris. They can be dangerous, especially when it’s raining. The leaves might turn slick, making footing difficult. Before bringing your belongings inside, make sure the walkways are clear.

Sort Your Clothes Into Seasons

Make things easier for yourself by packing your fall clothes separately so they’re easier to find. Remember to label the box. It’s the most effective method for keeping things in order. Check read this page for more advice on how to organize your move. Consider carrying additional jackets and blankets in an essentials box if you’re moving to a cold climate.

Moving in the Fall

Make arrangements for shorter days

The days are shorter in the fall, and it becomes dark early. As a result, the earlier you can begin your relocation, the better. If you’re renting anything for your move, such as a moving truck, make sure to book it ahead of time and pick it up as soon as possible. You’ll have a better chance of finishing your relocation in daylight this way.

Take into account your family’s schedule

It’s helpful to think about your family’s routine when planning your move. Do you have any school-aged children? If at all feasible, move in before the start of the school year so that your children have time to adjust to their new surroundings. Some youngsters may find it challenging to adjust to a new environment.

Settling in Well in Advance of the Holidays

The autumn season heralds the arrival of the holiday season. The holidays bring their own set of anxieties, and there’s always a lot going on. That’s why you should plan your move well in advance of the holidays. You’ll have plenty of time to settle in, and you’ll have plenty of time to prepare your home for any visitors you may have.

Ready to move?

(866) 377-4741

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Does Everything Have to Be in Boxes for Movers

March 8, 2023
Does Everything Have to Be in Boxes for Movers

Nobody wants a last-minute headache on moving day, whether they’re moving locally or across the country. If you don’t know if you have to pack everything for the movers. The moving process is stressful and laborious even in the best of conditions, so addressing problems early is crucial.

And now that you’ve arrived, you’re undoubtedly wondering –

Although the responses are “no” and “yes,” rules differ, so you’ll need to discuss these concerns when interviewing full-service movers.

Things you should consider:

Is it better to box or not?

You should consider the following before deciding whether or not an item needs to be packed.

It may be tempting to save money by not boxing some things, but anything that can fit within a carton should be packed.

Packing boxes are a pain in the neck (and back), but packaged things are far less likely to be damaged.

Instead of being concerned about the cost of packing supplies, think of it as a low-cost insurance policy that will make moving into your new house or apartment a pleasurable experience.

Will movers refuse to transport products that haven’t been properly boxed?

Before signing a contract, it’s advisable to have each mover’s box policy in writing to avoid moving day difficulties.

Consider the following scenario:

You’ve hired one of the big national van lines to transport your belongings across state boundaries.

According to the local agency’s estimator, you can leave a lot of products unboxed.

So far, so good, but when the van driver from another agency arrives on moving day, they may ask you to pack many of the same goods.

In the meantime, you’re dealing with a crying child and a grumpy husband, and you might be out of boxes.

In other words, you’ll be under more stress, work, and financial strain.

Remember that moving van operators pay most of their claims. Therefore most don’t let unpacked items slide.

Is it worthwhile to pay for packing services when moving?

DIY packing is time-consuming and physically demanding, despite being an excellent way to save money.

On the other hand, professional packing services can be costly, as can moving boxes, newspapers, and packing tape.

It’s the typical catch-22 situation.

Remember that packing can be just as taxing as moving because it demands a lot of bending, stooping, and twisting, all of which can strain muscles.

Professional packers are almost always worth the extra money when convenience, safety, and cost are considered.

Items that should or should not be packed

Here are several examples:

Things you don’t have to pack

It’s all about working efficiently and saving money where you can when packing.

To that aim, the following goods are unlikely to require boxing.

Even if boxes aren’t required, these and other loose objects should be protected in moving blankets at all times.

Which things will the movers refuse to transport?

Before moving, most movers require the following goods to be packed.

If you’re relocating locally, you may be able to leave these items unpacked, but your movers may require you to sign a liability waiver.

Odds-and-ends vs. furniture

Chairs, dressers, and night tables do not need to be packed.

Before being placed onto the truck, they are encased in quilted moving pads.

On the other hand, small bits and ends or “loose goods” should be wrapped in paper and neatly put into boxes.

Making use of trash bags

Heavy-duty trash bags help package some items, but check with your mover to see what they can and can’t do.

Remember that garbage bags are fine for light, non-breakable objects, but you won’t be covered if the contents are damaged or soiled during the relocation.

Trash bags are helpful – during DIY moves.

Just remember that cheap garbage bags are prone to tearing, so use them sparingly and stack them high in the moving truck.

Using professional packers for a do-it-yourself relocation

It’s simple to hybridize your move these days.

One option is to hire a professional moving company to pack and transfer your belongings for you.

This is a convenient and cost-effective option when you don’t have big objects like pianos or appliances but do have a lot of glassware, electronics, and knick-knacks.

If you go this route, remember that because you’ll be transferring the items yourself, movers will not accept liability for the stuff they’ve packed.

Is it possible to get moving insurance?

If you’re thinking about hiring full-service movers but want to perform the packing yourself, consider how this will affect your belongings’ value.

When the driver takes the inventory, the boxes you’ve packed will be marked PBO, which stands for “packaged by owner.”

Moving firms are usually solely responsible for items destroyed in boxes that they have packed.

However, if your PBO cartons are damaged, split, gouged, or moist, you may be able to file a claim.

Allow the movers to pack your precious and fragile goods while you pack the rest.

Do movers take care of everything?

Although movers will move practically everything, you will need to dispose of, give away, or transfer some items yourself.

Among them are:

If you’re moving across town, you can transfer some of these items yourself, but it’s usually better to leave them for the new homeowner or give them to a neighbor.

Tips for moving and packing at the last minute

Are Moving Expenses Tax Deductible for Retirees?

March 8, 2023
Are Moving Expenses Tax Deductible for Retirees?

Moving costs and time take a lot from you when you are relocating, especially for seniors. You want to be able to afford all of the moving aid you’ll ever require, but you don’t want to go broke doing it. Or else you won’t be able to. The scenario can be particularly difficult if you are a senior who is expected to undergo such a significant transition. Both your finances and your emotions will be affected by the changes. The good news is that there is a mechanism for seniors to deduct moving expenses and receive a refund once they relocate.

What Does It Mean To Deduct Moving Expenses?

If you’ve ever wondered if you’re eligible for a tax deduction, the answer is that it depends on a few distinct factors. Understanding these requirements can be tough at times, especially if you’re working with your favorite and most respected cross-country moving business. However, you are probably aware that good things take time. You’ll need to do some research to see if you’re eligible for a tax deduction.

There are many different types of moving expenditures that can be deducted. These expenses are usually associated with moving yourself or your family to another state. Following are some of the expenses that might be deducted when relocating:

Should you anticipate being able to deduct the expense of hiring one of St. Petersburg’s best cross-country moving companies? Most likely not. But, hey, earning any money at all is better than getting nothing at all, right?

Related Article: What Kind of Moving Expenses are Tax Deductible

Is It Possible For Seniors To Deduct Moving Expenses?

Since moving expenditures can be deducted by working individuals, one might believe that deducting relocation expenses by elders is nearly difficult. HOWEVER, the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) does provide some exceptions to the norm that may allow seniors to qualify for a deduction.

Who Is Eligible To Claim Moving Expenses As A Tax Deduction?

While there is no hard and fast rule, moving expenditures can be deductible if you are relocating for a job. If the costs of transferring yourself or your family were reasonable, you might be allowed to deduct them. The military is one of the groups that is likely the easiest to qualify for a deduction.

As a service member, you are entitled to a variety of relocation benefits. After all, this country values the extraordinary service of its military personnel. Thus, you have several rights that you should investigate, ranging from the possibility to receive specific benefits when dealing with cross-country moving firms Tampa adores to the ability to deduct moving charges.

As A Retiree, You May Want To Consider Moving To The United States

You’ve been working in another country for a long time, are now retired, and are relocating to the United States of America. Does this ring a bell? If you find yourself in this circumstance, you may not need to worry about whether seniors can deduct moving costs. Of course, because not everything is simple when it comes to taxes and residential or commercial relocation, you will have to meet certain requirements.

For starters, in order to be qualified for a tax deduction, you must be declared permanently retired. Second, both your primary residence and your primary workplace must have been outside of the United States of America. If you believe you will be able to achieve all of these conditions, then congratulations! It’s possible that you’ll be able to claim a tax deduction for part of your moving expenditures.

You Are A Descendent Survivor

Are you the spouse of a deceased person whose primary work was located outside of the United States of America at the time of death? Then you can be entitled to a tax deduction for moving expenses. If you thought migrating to the United States as a retiree came with a set of rules, we’re sorry to break it to you. There are now even more. So, before you start making plans that might or might not work out, here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

Find Out More About The Senior Moving Expense Deduction By Doing Some Study

There’s no point in wondering if seniors may deduct moving expenses if they don’t take action. In this example, as in so many others, web research is all that is required. Immerse yourself in extensive research, ask friends who have a strong interest in reading about ‘legal’ topics, and don’t be reluctant to seek professional advice. Because if you’re still unsure after completing extensive research, you have no choice but to seek professional help. That’s always preferable to stumbling around in the dark looking for the appropriate solution.

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