
Household Problems To Fix Before Moving Into A New House

June 3, 2024

So, you’re moving to a new house. Not every home is perfect right away— it may require some cosmetic or repair work. While many repairs can be done later, you should perform essential repairs before the moving truck arrives.

Here are some items to put on your to-do list before move-in day.

Structural Issues

Roof damage, water damage, drywall damage, sloping floors, and faulty wiring are all major structural issues that can endanger your family’s safety or cause significant property damage. Hopefully, the home inspector caught these problems prior to the closing. To have them repaired as soon as possible, contact the relevant experts.

Appliances that have been damaged

Problems with refrigerators, stoves, washers, or dryers will make it more difficult to settle into your new house. Just after closing, test all of the appliances. They should also be repaired before you move in if they are broken or damaged. If you need a new appliance, it will be much easier to transport it into an empty house than it will be to deliver it into a house full of furniture and moving boxes.

Also Read: Best Way to Prepare your Home Appliances before Moving

Problems with refrigerators, stoves, washers, or dryers will make it more difficult to settle into your new house. Just after closing, test all of the appliances. They should also be repaired before you move in if they are broken or damaged. If you need a new appliance, it will be much easier to transport it into an empty house than it will be to deliver it into a house full of furniture and moving boxes.


Bugs and other unwanted pests can be both bothersome and dangerous to your family and property. Have a pest-control specialist inspect the property and, if necessary, treat it right away. Spraying toxic chemicals or fumigating the house may be necessary for treatment. You may not be able to dwell in the house for several days if it needs to be fumigated or sprayed, so taking care of this before the relocation is critical.

The Smell of Cigarettes

Cigarette odors might have an impact on indoor air quality. You also don’t want the scent of cigarette smoke on your furniture and clothes.

If the previous owners were smokers, you will most likely wish to get rid of the odor. To begin, open the windows and doors to allow fresh air to flow. Then get your air ducts and carpets cleaned by a professional. White vinegar should be used to clean walls and other surfaces. Using detergent and water, clean the evaporator coil of your HVAC system.

Cosmetic Concerns

While some minor cosmetic issues, such as outdated light fixtures, can be addressed after the transfer, significant issues should be addressed before the move. Painting the interior of the house is one example. If you wait until after you’ve moved in, you’ll have to relocate and cover your furniture, which will cause even more inconvenience.

Another example is refinishing hardwood floors, as well as mending walls and flooring. Once your furniture is in the space, each of these chores is difficult, if not impossible, to complete.

Household Problems To Fix Before Moving Into A New House

Also Read: Should I Sell Everything before I Move?

Windows that are Drafty

Your capacity to stay warm in the winter will be harmed by drafty windows, which may also allow pollutants into your home. Window replacement is a time-consuming task, so begin at least a week before your move. To get a price, contact a window professional as soon as possible after closing on your home. Window replacement is a time-consuming task, so begin at least a week before your move.

Your capacity to stay warm in the winter will be harmed by drafty windows, which may also allow pollutants into your home. Window replacement is a time-consuming task, so begin at least a week before your move. To get a price, contact a window professional as soon as possible after closing on your home. Window replacement is a time-consuming task, so begin at least a week before your move.

Drainage Problems

Properly sloping lawns, poorly graded paved services, inappropriate downspouts, and clogged or defective gutters are all examples of drainage concerns. These drainage issues can harm the foundation of the house, cause water damage in the basement, and cause mildew in the attic. Fixing drainage issues as soon as possible avoids them from getting worse and costing you more money to fix. Dealing with them ahead of time also avoids your possessions from being ruined by water or developing a mildewy odor.

Ready to Move?

Are you prepared to take the plunge? We can assist you in getting there moving to a new house! For a quote, please contact us.

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