
Ways on How to Find Your New Go-To’s

June 3, 2024

How to find your new go-to’s? Are you thinking about making a change? Moving to a new address necessitates creating a new set of go-to options for your daily routine.

You have a mental list of where to go — and for what — in your current neighborhood, whether it’s a favorite Italian restaurant or a top-notch dry cleaner.

The difficulty is, where do you look for them, and how will you know they’re exactly what you’re looking for when you move?

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Realistically, some trial and error will be necessary, but think of it as detective work. The more you look into it—online, in walk- or drive-abouts, and by word of mouth—the faster you’ll be able to put together your new go-to network. Even better, you’ll almost certainly make a few new friends and acquaintances along the way!

Find Your New Go-To’s

Make a to-do list.

Take a few time to plan out your daily routine before making the shift. Consider what you do in your current area on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, as well as why you choose it. To get you started, here are some typical go-to destinations:

Parks and family-friendly locations
Stations that sell gasoline
Grocery store
Office of a physician

Take a walk or go for a drive.

Personal tastes, convenience, and – especially in urban contexts – proximity are all factors that influence where people go. Take a brief drive or walk about your future area if you have the opportunity. Pay attention to where folks meet for coffee, cocktails, and brunch. If you’re moving to a big city, avoid touristy areas because they tend to attract a different crowd. (They’re also frequently pricey and mediocre.)

Inquire with the previous owner or the building’s service suppliers.

Speak out if you’re moving into a home and have met the previous owners! They’ll undoubtedly be delighted to give their exclusive information. Ask your landlord or the super if you’re a renter or a condo dweller. Are you moving into a high-rise or a high-end building? The front desk and entrance staff will provide a plethora of information.

Entrepreneurs are a godsend.

It’s a good idea to connect with local business owners whether you’re out shopping or just roaming about. They’ll almost certainly know about some of the top spots in town!

Go to the internet

If you’re relocating for a new job, a shorter commute, a larger home, or a better school district, you’ve almost certainly done some web research before settling on a new neighborhood. Whatever the case may be, Google Maps is a fantastic tool for not only getting a sense of the area, but also locating parks, grocery stores, restaurants, and other prospective hangout spots.

Small rural communities usually have a website or a Facebook page that covers local events and businesses. Also, try reading the local newspaper’s online editions. You’ll learn the names of local politicians, restaurants, and businesses this way. If you’re relocating to a mid- or large city, Time Out and Eventbrite can provide you with a list of “must-see, must-do” activities.

Make contact with your neighbors.

In a small town, they’re likely to approach you with baked goods or an invitation to coffee. It’s also completely acceptable to introduce oneself to a neighbor by knocking on their door (and if you have kids, bring them with you).

Knocking on random doors may ruffle some feathers if you’ve relocated to a larger city or into an apartment complex; however, you’re bound to see folks in the halls or on the elevator. Overcome your shyness, make an introduction, and strike up a conversation. They’ll most likely be eager to share some of their personal favorites, and you might even make a few new friends.