
A Quick Guide for Moving to a Warmer Climates

June 3, 2024

Transitioning from a cold to a warmer climate or moving to a hot climate necessitates planning. Your clothing will transition from boots and sweaters to shorts and flip flops, and your interests will shift from snowshoeing to surfing. With all of this shift, it’s critical to understand how to adapt to hot weather.

Also, Read: Moving To Another State? Here’s What To Consider

Be prepared to make a few adjustments if you decide to relocate to a hotter environment. You’ll need to keep a few things in mind to make the most of the weather in your new house. Make the most of your new house by learning how to deal with the heat!

It might be difficult to adjust to living in a hot climate. Knowing what to expect when you come is a fantastic first step in adjusting. Here are a few ideas for making the most of life in the hot weather

Keep hydrated because you’ll be sweating more than usual

If you’re wondering how to adjust to hot temperatures, starting with drinking water is a good way to start your day. It will take some time to acclimatize because your body is acclimated to a certain temperature… especially if you’re moving from a cold to a hot location.

In an attempt to cool you down, your body will increase sweat production to compensate for the change. Sweating output will decrease as your body adjusts to the heat. Drink plenty of water as you adjust (and afterward!).

A Quick Guide for Moving to Warmer Climates

Assist Your Pets in Making the Transition

You aren’t the only one who will have to adjust to the warmer weather; hot summer temperatures may be brutal on animals as well! While your dog may have loved spending all day in the backyard at your previous house, hours spent in the sweltering weather can make your canine buddy unwell. To help your pets cope with the effects of hot weather, do the following:

Also Read: How to Introduce your Pets to your New Home after Moving

Wear sunscreen since your skin will need it

Living in a region with more sunlight and more opportunities to spend time outside may appear to be the advantage of living in a hot environment. However, you must exercise caution due to the amount of sun exposure!

Take precautions before going outside to enjoy your new home without fear of significant skin damage. When you leave the house, use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher, as well as hats and sunglasses for added protection. If you want to sit by the pool or the ocean, go early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid direct sunlight.

Your Summer Energy Bills Will Go Up

In your previous home, there’s a high possibility you didn’t have your air conditioning on all the time. However, in a climate where temperatures regularly exceed 90 degrees Fahrenheit, having the air conditioner on is essential. Excessive exposure to extreme temperatures can result in ailments such as heat stroke and exhaustion.

You’ll undoubtedly see an increase in your energy bill when you run the air conditioner more frequently. However, there are a few things you can do to keep your bills from getting out of hand, including:

On the plus side, you won’t have to pay as much in energy costs throughout the winter. In January, average low temperatures in southern Florida are 51 degrees Fahrenheit, which is far simpler to warm to room temperature than the below zero average low temps in Maine!

Also Read: 8 Tips to Minimize Your Hassle When Moving

The Heat and Sun Will Affect Your Day

If you’re used to going for a run after work while the sun is shining brightly, you might want to reconsider your routine. Being active outside in your new hot climate while the sun is so powerful can be risky. You’ll need to start thinking about how to get through your regular duties without overheating.

Keep your run fun by going early in the morning when the day is at its coolest. Avoid using your oven or doing laundry during the day, as these appliances quickly heat up your home. You might think about creating an outdoor kitchen area, which is much more common in the southern U.S. than in northern states.

You’ll Feel Like You’re Driving a Furnace

The sun streaming through your windshield can heat your car’s metal components to the point of burning you. It’s difficult to drive when you can barely move your hands on the driving wheel! Cover your windshield with sunglasses to protect yourself from excessive heat. A light-colored, heat-resistant fabric covering can also be used to protect your steering wheel.

Ready To Move?

Now that you know how to live in hot weather, it’s time to get some assistance with moving to your new place. When you hire WowMover, our movers will keep you cool while we tackle the technical aspects of your move.

Here's What To Do When Moving To A Hot Climate

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