
Ways to Stay Organized When You Move

June 3, 2024

An organized move can make a difference. Here are the tips to help you remain concentrated and focused in the midst of a whirlwind of tasks needed during the moving phase.

Pre-planning the furniture designs

This tip will include a measuring tape, and some upfront work, it will pay off in the end! What you want to do is have a simple layout of your new home, with precise measurements. You can either draw this out yourself or use a site like Plan Your Room to speed up the process.
Then once you measure all of your big furniture pieces, you’re free to play with various floor plans!

Although measuring something is going to feel like a hassle, you’re going to save yourself a lot of time and effort.

Moving furniture around on paper or a screen is definitely easier than lugging around your room. And as an added bonus, you’re going to be sure that everything’s going to work! You don’t want to turn up at your new place only to find that your couch doesn’t fit through the door.

Box Labeling

Labeling boxes would make the move easier for everybody. Not only will a solid labeling system help you remember what’s in the boxes for quick unpacking, but it will also help you keep track of what you’ve packed and unpacked, and it will speed up the move-in process by letting the movers know where the boxes are heading. They’re not going to have to ask you for directions every two minutes, leaving you free to use your organizational magic elsewhere.

There is a lot of marking schemes out there—you can use electronic markers, stickers, or a good old-fashioned large marker to get the job done. You may also use a color labeling scheme, e.g. yellow for the kitchen, blue for the bathroom, green for the living room, etc. Here are some more tips on how to pack a stress-free organized move.

Build and use a Moving binder/notebook

You’re going to juggle a lot of balls in the moving process—the best way to keep an organized move in one place. A solid binder/notebook will act as your central hub for all move-related stuff.

Ways to Stay Organized When You Move

Here’s a sample list of items to include and keep track of:


With the world we live in, what kind of operation will there be without a new app to help you out?! Evernote and Wunderlist are two of the most popular planning apps in the world, and they work well as digital to-do lists. Both Sortly and Snap N Pack are designed to transfer and allow you to easily print scanned QR codes on boxes that are synchronized with photos taken from the contents of the package. Never again would you wonder what you labeled “Misc” in all the boxes!

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