
Guide: Senior Citizen Moving Checklist

June 3, 2024

One of life’s most stressful activities is traveling and moving. Seniors may encounter additional stress as a result of health problems, financial concerns, or simply leaving the home they’ve known for much of their lives. Downsizing is the most common cause for seniors to relocate. Extra bedrooms and baths become a burden rather than a privilege for any woman, couple, or family at some point. Let’s take a look at some of the living options available to seniors, along with a checklist for each. We’re hoping that having a well-organized and well-thought-out strategy would help the transition go more smoothly.

What are your plans for the future?

There is accommodation to accommodate a wide variety of senior needs. Here are some specific things to think about for each form of living arrangement.

The services offered by assisted living facilities vary. Find out what is included in the price and what suits your lifestyle before settling on certain living arrangements.

Moving in with family can be a great experience and the ideal arrangement, but only if you prepare ahead.

For seniors, independent living is becoming a more viable choice. Many aspects must be considered in order for this living arrangement to be successful.

Add these things to your moving plan checklist, regardless of which living option you select.

Guide: Senior Citizen Moving Checklist

As soon as your dates are set, hire a moving company. – To prepare for downsizing, measure rooms and search closet space.

Is your new home open to people with disabilities?

Buy any accessibility products and get them mounted as soon as possible after you move in.

Hire a packaging company if you can, but if you’re doing it yourself:

Also Read: What are the Qualities of a Good Storage Facility

If you’re relocating a long distance, you will need to find new professionals:

Would you be carrying a pet? Make arrangements for your furry family to be watched by a friend or a local boarder on moving day.

Take some time to get acclimated while you’re settling in. You’ll need some fun distractions from unpacking. Take a look at your neighborhood. Look for places that suit your requirements. Make a note of their address and phone number.

Enjoy yourself once you’ve gotten used to your new surroundings. Make plans to visit a museum, see a Broadway play, or dine at a recommended restaurant if you’re new to a city (or even if you aren’t). This is why you want to live here in the first place!

Give WowMover a call for a free estimate if you or a senior family member are planning a move in the area. Our team’s experience can help to relieve the tension and uncertainty that comes with traveling. With years of moving experience, we manage unforeseen obstacles as gracefully as smooth-running movements, and we have a guaranteed moving price for your peace of mind.

Choosing whether to hold, give away, or sell is one of the most challenging aspects of downsizing. WowMover provides climate-controlled long and short-term storage for your convenience. We’ll store your belongings safely so you can make these crucial decisions later after you’ve moved into your new home.

Looking for a Mover? Get Free Moving Quotes

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