
Who to Notify When Moving Interstate?

June 3, 2024

Before you notify your interstate moving company or inquiring the best interstate movers there are some things you need to do. As you move to your new address, there will be some people or businesses that will be needing your address. No, not only for the movers to know where to bring all your stuff but for sending bills, products, and emails. And there are also those who just want to visit for no reason at all. To save yourself from all the hassle here are some of the people or businesses that you need to inform.

Friends and Family

The most important group of people that you need to inform of your whereabouts. Before, people used to send out a change of address cards, but now that the internet has taken over, you could simply send a mass e-mail or just message them on social media.

Post Office

The first one you should inform about your move. Having them notified will get anything delivered to your old address, sent to the new one for the next 12 months. Before then, make sure that you update it online and set it to start at a date. Doing this before a week will make sure that there will be no gap between when you move and when your mail forwarding starts.

Who to Notify When Moving Interstate?

Related: What is the Average Interstate Moving Cost 2021?

Phone, Cable, and Internet

Also one of the essentials, not so that you could update your status on social media, but as a means of communication. Of course, they need to know where to send your bills aside from where to install your new line.

Related: Spectrum Moving Service: What to Expect When Moving To A New Address

Bank and Credit Card Company

Whether you want to change it through a call, or online, make sure that you notify them about your move. This way they can continue sending you updates and due dates. You can also include loyalty programs you have with different stores.


You don’t want to be sleeping in a dark and cold new home, do you? Make sure that both gas and electricity have been already set up at least a night before your move. Also, don’t forget to schedule a shut-off in your old place after you move.

Online Shopping Sites

The last thing you want is to have your expected package you ordered online delivered to your old address. With Amazon and eBay, it is easy to make a mistake since it only takes a few clicks to place an order. Take some time and update your address to all of the online stores you shop.

It doesn’t take much effort and time to change your address. But getting your parcel from your old place does! If you want to avoid any problems after you move then updating your address is one of the things you shouldn’t forget.

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