
Things You Should Do and Change Right After Moving In

June 3, 2024

Now that you’ve signed the dotted line and are getting ready to move into your new home, there are a few things to remember about what to do and change right after moving in. Before you acquire possession, you’ll need to adjust a lot of things in the house, from the lighting to the paint.

Aside from the physical items, there will be other matters to attend to, such as registering your child for school.

What Is the Issue That Needs To Be Addressed Right After Moving In?

It’s time to deal with the less tangible aspects of moving to a new city now that you’ve replaced the physical components. It’s time to acclimate to a new environment, complete with new friends and coworkers. The turbulence of a transfer might leave you feeling disoriented and uneasy until you find your place in the new environment. Although you will eventually get over the shock of moving, it can be difficult at first.

Check out these pointers for a more seamless transition:

1. Get Your Time in Order

The post-move period begins as soon as you enter your new home. While you may be pleased that the stress of moving day is behind you, the stress may return as you look about your new house and realize how much work remains. If you used a moving calendar and timetable when you moved out of the old house, now is the time to do the same for the new one.

This will assist you in better organizing and prioritizing your time. First, unpack one room, then go on to the next. Alternatively, start with the most important items and work your way down. Make a fresh to-do list with all the chores you need to complete now that your move is complete. Here’s what else needs to be done, from looking into new schools and physicians to changing your address.

2. Inform Yourself About Your New Home

At this point, your new home is uncharted ground for you. Look for any evidence of damage all over the house. Also, keep an eye out for symptoms of infestation and inspect pipes for leaks. Yes, most damage should have been discovered by house inspectors, but with many people skipping home inspections these days, things are more likely to slip through the cracks.

In case of an emergency, familiarize yourself with the location of the fuse box and main water stop valves. Make a note of the water and electricity meter readings.

Check all of the locks. Arrange for any that don’t work to be replaced by a locksmith. Do you have children? Make sure that all windows, doors, and outlets are child-resistant. If you haven’t already, put this on your to-do list. Know where the smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers are located.

3. Change Your Email Address

If you haven’t already done so, fill out a new address form at the post office or online. Make arrangements with your utility companies for servicing as well.

4. School Registration for Your Children

Take a tour of your neighborhood schools, take notes, and enroll your child in the one that is closest to you. Request recommendations from friends, coworkers, and neighbors, then research the school online to ensure you know what to expect in terms of dress code, hours, and other factors. To ensure that the enrollment process goes well, gather all of the essential paperwork and medical forms.

5. Find Doctors

Finding a decent health care provider, one you can trust, can be difficult, but it’s a process you must go through. In the event that a family member becomes unwell, you’ll need someone soon. Look up local doctors and specialists, take tours, talk to the staff, and inquire about their expertise.

Also Read: House Hunting Tips for Moving Out of State

Things You Should Do and Change Right After Moving In

What Should Be Changed Right After Moving In?

1. Fixtures for Window

Don’t forget about any window treatments that the previous owners may have left behind. These might collect dust and allergens, and they might not match your new design or taste. Instead, use shutters or shades for a cleaner, more streamlined appearance. If the previous owners left no blinds or shutters on the windows, make blind or shutter installation a priority to protect your privacy.

2. New Lighting Installations

It’s possible that the old light fixtures are unattractive, old, or inefficient. Changing these out is one of the simplest and least expensive ways to improve visibility and cost-effectiveness. You might want to think about installing recessed lighting or some much-needed task lighting in the kitchen at this time. Another option to consider is replacing all incandescent bulbs with energy-saving LED lighting.

3. Paintings

Give the room a new coat of paint to make it genuinely yours. You’ll be amazed at how much of a difference it can make. You can go with a bright color or something neutral to replace a boring color. In either case, this will brighten all of the rooms and remove any previous owner’s markings or scuffs.

4. Flooring

It’s possible that the flooring is old and worn out. Remove any outdated and damaged carpeting, vinyl, or tile flooring before moving in, and consider replacing it with timeless hardwood. Not only will this raise the value of the house, but it will also eliminate any allergens that may be hiding in the rugs.

5. Kitchen And Bathroom

These two most popular rooms, which are highly functional places that must operate at peak efficiency, should be upgraded. Did you know that these improvements provide the highest return on investment of any home improvement project? You might want to consider:

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