
Moving Out? Be Prepared to Transfer Your Internet

June 3, 2024

Unexpected moving fees are the last thing you want while you’re settling into your new home, especially for something as crucial as the internet. Your internet relocation fees, however, may include a transfer fee, an activation fee, an installation fee, or even an increase in your monthly equipment fee, depending on your service provider.

Get answers to all of these questions before you move to avoid these surprise relocation fees:

Will my internet provider charge me a fee if I switch providers?
Is my internet service still active at my new location?
When I move, do I have to pay an early termination fee?
Is it necessary for me to bring my previous internet equipment with me?

Continue reading to find out how to answer each of these questions.

Will my internet provider charge me a fee if I move?

Depending on your internet provider, you may be charged various relocation fees—or none at all. When it comes to transfer expenses, internet companies don’t have a typical lump sum cost. You can avoid early termination costs on your internet contract if you stay with the same internet provider when you relocate.

Cost of Moving an Internet Services

Spectrum charges a $9.99 transfer fee.
Professional installation price of up to $99 with Verizon Fios.
Professional installation price of up to $89.99 with Xfinity.
AT&T charges a $49.00 activation fee.
There appears to be no charge from CenturyLink.
Cox charges a fee for professional installation.
Mediacom charges a $49.00 transfer fee and a $99.99 professional installation cost.

When I cancel my internet subscription, do I have to pay an early termination fee?

Your internet contract will determine whether or not you must pay an early termination charge when you move. Unfortunately, simply quitting your internet provider’s network will not prevent you from being charged an early termination fee.

Need Moving Services?

You won’t have to pay an early termination charge if you’ve already completed your service’s contract terms—or if you have a no-contract internet plan. After you’ve worked out how to cancel your old internet service, utilize our guide to obtaining internet for your new house to choose a new provider.

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