
How to Plan for a Cross-Country Move with a Newborn

June 3, 2024

Accidents involving children and babies are too often. If you are moving cross country with a baby, create a plan first before moving. It is the best way to keep your toddler, young children, and babies safe.

According to reports, common accidents involving babies happen in water (bathroom and swimming pool), toxic substances, falls or tips on furniture and stairs, and choking with unsafe substances. Here’s how to create a plan before moving cross country with a baby.

Take a look at the listing photos

Before moving to your new home, look at the photos of the area and inside, Asses every area that needs babyproofing. Pay attention to outlets, stairways, swimming pools, or sharp corners. Familiarize yourself with every specific area to prevent your young child and baby from being in danger.

To-Do List

To prevent tipping accidents, you need to figure out where and how to secure furniture. Start planning where to place wall art, cords, or any other things that can harm your children. Hang wall art or cabinets high enough out for reach of children. Schedule your professional assistant or handyman to assess a to-do list for him/her to prepare.

Stairway openings and Doorways

Assess your doorways and stairways if you are able to visit the house. Plan on what areas needed a gate for doorways and stairways. Make sure to prepare gates so you can have them ready to install once you move.

Cover those outlets

Innocent walking and crawling babies love to play with wires and electrical outlets. Cover all tempting outlets to prevent accidents from happening. Before moving, go ahead and order outlet covers so you can have them ready to install.

Make your moving cross-country fun for children’s

How can you deal with your children after securing a deal with the best-rated cross-country moving companies or the best interstate movers? As hard as it is for adults to move their homes and everything inside them from one place to another, kids also feel this stress at the same time. To help your kids cope with what is happening and avoid any unnecessary breakdowns on the way to your new home. Here are some tips to make the trip more enjoyable for them.

Give them a sneak peek of the new house

new features, new rooms, and a new environment. Visit the new house before moving in. Letting your kids familiarize themselves and compare your new home with the old one will lessen their anxiety, Should there be any problem with your new home, try to talk with the kids and make sure that the problem will be fixed.

Visit a nearby amusement park or mall before moving in

Having fun before moving isn’t that bad. Play games, enjoy some rides and look for things to shop for. Keeping a child distracted is always a good way to redirect their doubts. Also, this will let the kids loosen up and get them excited about the new home.

Give them rewards for packing their own stuff

You may not know what they want to bring or what they want to leave behind in the old house. This is also an activity for you to bond with your children. Let them pack their things and motivate them with a reward. Don’t forget to keep an eye on them, especially when using sharp objects to cut and pack things.

Explore the area with them

Like you, your kids too want to find where to find the best place to get a snack, or maybe a shortcut on their way home. Switch up the streets that you take whenever you go out with them.

Sleep with them during the first few days if needed.

It is normal for kids to have a different reaction to staying in their new home. Moving to a new home will sometimes give your kids a hard time sleeping. Make sure that your kids are sound and are going to bed without any problems. Sometimes, reading them a bedtime story or just keeping them company will do the trick.

Being emotional before leaving or finding their new playmates and friends is always a part of moving. Look for someone they can play with within the neighborhood.

Ready to move with a baby?

Check Before Booking a Moving Company

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