The Defense Personal Property System (DPS) system is used for the majority of military moving. The moving service member does not have to think about coordinating his or her own relocation in these situations. In certain situations, however, the service member must initiate and complete their own transfer. If you are in base housing and this applies to you, please check the following special considerations before moving:
Contact your Transportation Office advisor to ensure that your transfer has not already been approved by a licensed TSP and that you are authorized to move yourself.
When searching for a reputable moving company, look for ones that say they are Military/DOD licensed for moving and warehousing on their website. Check out their BBB ratings as well. You can get a list of qualified companies from your T.O. Be certain to inform the moving company that you live on base.
Plan ahead of time and provide plenty of time. Over the summer and on busy days, it’s possible that you won’t be able to locate a moving company or even a truck.
Service personnel who live in military housing are required to keep their homes clean and as close to the original condition as possible. Once you’ve packed and loaded all of your belongings, make sure you have enough time to clean the house from top to bottom.
Speak with your counselor about the special consideration move’s guidance and dos and don’ts. These are also available at
If you plan to enlist the help of friends to help you travel, keep in mind that civilians must first obtain an installation guest pass from a visitor control center.
Check with your Transportation Office about vehicle entry criteria, such as friends’ cars, U-haul trucks, and so on. For a number of purposes, they may not be permitted on base.
If you hire a moving company, make sure they have permission to enter your facility. Both members of the moving company, as well as the company itself, must be registered. Check with your T.O. to see what credentials the moving company needs. They will not be allowed entry to the base if they are not. Keep in mind that each foundation can have its own set of specifications.
Keep all of your papers in a safe and secure location, contact your counselor with any questions, and maintain a positive attitude if at all possible! WowMover assists military families all over the United States.
Call our military movers if you have any concerns about our special considerations while traveling.