
Understanding Moving Insurance: What You Need to Know

June 3, 2024

Moving can be exciting yet stressful. Amidst the chaos of packing and planning, understanding moving insurance is crucial. Whether you’re moving across town or across the country, ensuring your belongings are protected during transit is essential for peace of mind.

Types of Moving Insurance:

There are typically two types of moving insurance: Released Value Protection and Full Value Protection.

Released Value Protection: This basic coverage is included in your moving contract at no additional charge. However, it provides minimal protection, typically covering only a fraction of the item’s actual value, usually around 60 cents per pound.

Full Value Protection: For comprehensive coverage, consider opting for Full Value Protection. While it comes with an added cost, it ensures that your mover is liable for the replacement value of lost or damaged goods, or they can opt to repair or replace the item.

Understanding Coverage Limits:

Before selecting a moving insurance plan, it’s essential to understand coverage limits. Policies may have caps on the maximum amount they will pay out per item or per shipment. Be sure to inquire about these limits and consider whether they adequately protect your belongings.

Additional Insurance Options:

In addition to the basic coverage provided by your moving company, you may also have the option to purchase additional insurance through third-party insurers. These policies can offer supplementary coverage for specific items or circumstances not covered by your primary insurance.

Factors Affecting Coverage:

Several factors can impact the cost and coverage of moving insurance, including the value of your belongings, the distance of your move, and any additional services required, such as packing or storage. Be sure to discuss these factors with your insurer to ensure you have adequate protection.

Documentation and Inventory:

To facilitate the claims process in the event of loss or damage, it’s essential to keep detailed documentation and inventory of your belongings. Take photographs or videos of valuable items, and keep receipts or appraisals as proof of value.

Reviewing Your Homeowner’s Insurance:

Before purchasing additional moving insurance, review your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy. Some policies may offer coverage for belongings in transit, eliminating the need for separate moving insurance. However, be aware of any limitations or exclusions that may apply.

Understanding Liability vs. Valuation:

It’s crucial to distinguish between liability and valuation when discussing moving insurance. Liability refers to the mover’s responsibility for loss or damage, while valuation refers to the declared value of your belongings for insurance purposes. Understanding this distinction can help you choose the right coverage for your needs.

Filing a Claim:

If you experience loss or damage during your move, it’s essential to promptly file a claim with your insurance provider. Provide as much documentation and evidence as possible to support your claim, including photographs, receipts, and inventory lists. Be prepared to cooperate with the claims process to expedite resolution.


Understanding moving insurance is crucial. Invest wisely in protecting your belongings. Assess coverage types, document belongings, ensure a smooth transition. Don’t overlook this essential aspect—peace of mind is priceless.