
Tips For Moving Over The Holidays

June 3, 2024

At first glance, a holiday move can be stressful, daunting, and seem a little frightening. However, if you play your cards correctly, there might be a few advantages to choosing a holiday move. To make it easier for yourself and your family, there are some things you can do, and that will also make the transfer more enjoyable than one at a different time of year.

Also, Read: How To Reduce Stress When Moving During Holiday?

here are our tips to make your move as painless as possible over the holidays.

Keep track of the weather

During the holiday season, the weather can be particularly fickle, no matter where you live. Be sure to keep an eye on the weather forecast as best you can, to prepare for extreme weather such as snow, wind, or lightning storms accordingly, making it hard for even competent moving businesses to do their job well.

Also Read :How to Deal with Bad Weather When Moving

Donate items that are used gently to minimize the amount of items that you have to move

Usually, when it’s time to go not just to save money, but to ease the moving process, we urge people to stop the number of objects they have to transfer. If the occupants are moving, yard sales, estate sales, or selling unused stuff online to make money are usual, but choosing to donate your lightly used furniture or smaller items such as clothes that you no longer need or will not take with you is a great way to embrace the spirit of the holiday and bless anyone in need. Especially over the holidays.


Reusing Moving Boxes

It seems like everybody did this year’s online shopping. Holiday and birthday presents turn up on your doorstep for yourself and others, and it’s awesome – until you open them all up and have to deal with a mountain of boxes 8 feet high.

You will normally recycle those boxes and buy your moving boxes from a hardware store or your professional moving company, but you can re-use those boxes as moving boxes if you move over the holidays to not only save some money, but to help minimize your carbon footprint!

Combine your greeting card for your holiday with your life update

Most families give their loved ones holiday cards to wish them a Merry Christmas and update them on what’s happening in their lives. A change of residence will definitely be included in the update! Nonetheless, many assume that a mention of the move would be enough, and prefer to send out a separate change of address warning to those who need it. If you travel at any other time of year, the method works, but if you move over the holidays, you can kill two birds with one stone. To save on postage and time, include your change of address announcement in your holiday card or in the same envelope if you want to keep them at least a bit apart.

Hire a professional moving company

During the holidays, professional movers take the opportunity to give their workers vacation time, so that they can spend time with their families and have some well-deserved rest. As a result, during the holidays, moving companies are usually thinly staffed and may have less availability for holiday moving workers. Book your moving company as soon as possible as soon as you set a date for your transfer, so they can make sure they staff your move properly in advance.

Moving on Holidays?

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