
Moving to Alaska? Here’s What You Need To Bring

June 3, 2024

Alaska is the 49th state in the United States. Ample natural beauty, lots of adventure, and opportunity. Everyone knows living in Alaska may present significant climate changes for you. Aside from warm essentials such as heavy winter coat and boots, here are some dos when moving to Alaska. Before we continue, check the Best Interstate Moving Companies for a safe and reliable move.

Read More: Benefits of Moving to Another State

Moving to Alaska Packing Checklist 

Your Living Essentials
You will probably arrive most of your stuff does if you shipped your stuff via container or courier. It is very important to pack a few essentials to get you for the next few days in your new location. We suggest bringing towels, pen/paper, phone charger, toiletries, clothes, flashlights, knife, screwdrivers, and a few snacks.

Clothes to keep you warm
You need to bring an extra wardrobe to keep you dry and warm. Depending on where you from, you don’t know what Alaskan weather for the next few days. Clothes essentials; Boots, winter hat, scarf, thermal underwear, heavy winter coat, and waterproof gloves.

Extra Cash
You need to have a little cash during your move for groceries. You can be used for emergencies such as foods or unexpected car repairs just in case.

Electronic data backup
If you prefer to ship your computers via shipping storage, we suggest to back up all your data before you move. In case of chaos during the moving process, you have backups of your important files and documents.

Also, Read: Things to Know Before Moving to Idaho

Before packing, make sure to have a medication you need until locating pharmacies. Bring a medication supply kit is mandatory.

Important Documents
Keeping your personal documents is the safest way to ensure a safe arrival. You need all of these documents to get you set up in Alaska. You need for job application, proof of citizenship, and so on. Important personal documents include; social security card, birth certificate, and passport.

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