
How to pack dining room chairs and tables when moving?

June 3, 2024

In this article, you will how to pack dining room chairs and tables when moving to a new place, you can start packing dining room sets, as it is often one of the least used rooms in the building.

Fortunately, pack dining room chairs and tables is a simple activity that will serve as a warm-up for the more difficult packing jobs to come as you switch the packing action to another room. Then again, securing your dining table and chairs should be a lot simpler than securing your bed.

However, packing and unpacking your dining room chairs and tables must be done with extreme caution to avoid damaging that priceless furniture. Regardless of the origin room, you should always make absolutely sure that all of the furniture pieces you bring with you arrive in great condition in your new home.

Now that we’ve gone over how to pack and transport a dining room table in great detail, it’s time to focus solely on the dining room chairs.

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Continue reading to learn how to pack dining room chairs and tables when moving to a new home.

how to pack dining room chairs and tables when moving

Preparing dining rooms chairs and tables for moving

When you begin preparing your dining room chairs for moving, there are a few items you can do to prepare them for the job.

Chairs should be cleaned.

You don’t want to bring some dust into your new home with your dining room set, do you?

Before wrapping each chair for transport, make sure it is clean. What’s the right way to go about doing it?

Dust the tables, then use a soft cotton cloth and a mild solution of water and dish soap to clean the chair legs, seats, backs, and areas under the seats.

Allow the chairs to dry completely before packing them for the trip.

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See if you can disassemble the legs, this will make the packaging and transportation processes go more smoothly.
If the legs are glued, you shouldn’t try to disassemble them. However, certain chairs are often screwed or fixed to the chair bases, which means you should be able to easily remove them.

So, if you know how to disassemble your dining room chairs, do so slowly and carefully. To keep nuts, bolts, screws, washers, and other fastening components secured, store them in resealable plastic bags.