
House Issues to Look For During Survey

June 3, 2024

A house survey is an examination of a property’s condition that might alert a potential buyer to potential problems. A surveyor will come to the residence and provide a report on the problems. What should you watch out for during a survey? We spoke with industry professionals and developed a list of the top four considerations when purchasing a home.

The roof’s condition

The condition of the room is one of the top four concerns for a buyer. While tiles may be replaced, other issues such as roof leaks can be costly to resolve. Remember to inspect downpipes and gutters as well.


Insulation is a typical survey concern, but it can be quite important to a potential buyer. Better insulation saves money on electricity and makes rooms warmer. Fortunately, the insulation material is inexpensive, and placing it on walls will take little time. Consider an insulated floor instead, which will take longer to install but will save you money in the long run.

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Structural problems

Although structural vibrations can appear to be quite threatening, they rarely endanger the house’s stability. However, if the surveyor discovers cracks larger than 10 millimeters, this could signal a potentially dangerous issue. A thorough study will be required to determine the source of the cracks and ensure that the house’s structure is secure.

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Humidity is a prevalent problem during a house survey, particularly in older homes and antique houses. This is a simple problem to solve, especially when dealing with small surfaces. If the damp area is larger, the job may be more costly, especially if it requires the replacement of complete walls. Furthermore, determining the reason and devising a long-term cure will be critical.

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