
Making the Leap from a Big City to Small Town

June 3, 2024

Big City to Small Town: According to recent moving industry statistics, more people than ever before are opting for the more “livable” lives found in suburban and rural settings. People relocated more for personal reasons, such as family and lifestyle, than for professional reasons, such as a new job or promotion, in 2021, for the first time ever. And they largely choose to stay away from major cities.

In summary, many people are eschewing the hustle and bustle of big cities in favor of a more relaxed lifestyle. For example, according to research conducted by the Office of the Comptroller of New York City, the number of change-of-address petitions for move-outs from New York City addresses grew by 36% to 837,404 in 2020.

It’s a significant decision, and not everyone will adjust without a few setbacks and shocks. Assuming you’ve already made the decision to leave the big city, here are a few pointers and insights to help you become settled.

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Your house is your castle, not a launching pad

Finally, you’ll be able to stretch out and unwind! There will be no more obnoxious neighbors, sirens, or street noise to contend with. Your appliances are full-size, and you have some separation from your next-door neighbors. There’s also lots of storage, including a garage. And what do you see when you gaze up at night? Stars can truly be seen.

In a big city, your house is more of a portal to the outside world than a standalone destination. It’s the polar opposite in a tiny town. For the first time, you’ll be choosing furniture and fixtures based on their aesthetic appeal rather than whether or not they’ll fit into a small space.

Patio furniture may even take precedence over theater tickets, and curtains may take precedence over nights out on the town. And if a lack of room previously kept you from following a passion or activity, there’s no stopping you now!

Making a house into a home can be a freeing experience, but you’ll need a strategy to pull it all together. Before making any major purchases, obtain or sketch the layout of your new space if as all possible. Consider how you want to display your individuality, but don’t try to do too much at once.

The rhythm has slowed

Small towns and rural places have a different pace of life. This is a wonderful thing; but, you might be startled to learn that a five-minute trip to the drugstore can suddenly take 15 or 20 minutes. Relax. While the slower pace of small-town life is one of the reasons you moved away from the hustle and bustle in the first place, keep in mind that it’s also one of the reasons you relocated there in the first place.

Instead of hurrying through your day, strike up a conversation with the owners of local businesses. Say hello to your fellow shoppers with a friendly smile. Above all, don’t get irritated or impatient. You’ll quickly adjust and be happier as a result.

More people are acquainted with one another

Residents in tiny areas can run into each other multiple times throughout a typical week, whereas city people enjoy a certain level of anonymity. It’s important to get to know your new neighbors, and don’t be startled if someone approaches you and shakes your hand. Your neighbors are not only an essential social link, but they are also a dependable source of information about the area’s top mechanics, vets, markets, and other amenities. They are usually eager to assist you in settling in.

People and their viewpoints will differ

It’s all about making yourself stand out in a big metropolis. It’s more about fitting in when you live in a tiny town. One of the best things about relocating to a small town is becoming a member of the community. However, when you get to know your new area and neighbors, it’s probably a good idea to listen more than you speak, at least at first.

Be polite, be yourself, but stay away from issues that might raise eyebrows until you’ve gotten to know your new neighbors a little better. You’ll quickly make friends and confidants, and you’ll feel completely at home.

Sidewalks Begin to Open Earlier

If you’re used to going out to eat at 9 p.m., you might be surprised. Many establishments in smaller towns close by 5 or 6 p.m. Even bars and restaurants close their doors by 9 or 10 p.m. in some circumstances. Get to know your new neighborhood’s rhythm. Set up shop and get used to the slower pace of small-town.

You’re doing more DIY than ever

The majority of huge outdoor spaces in a large city are managed by others. The sidewalks are clear, the streets are plowed, and life goes on as usual by 10 a.m., even after a blizzard. Activities like mowing the grass or painting the living room frequently fall into the DIY (or hire some help) category in smaller communities. And if you’re used to having your clothes washed, dried, and folded for you by the local laundromat, it’s time to get to know those machines in the basement.

In fact, relocating outside of the city will result in a significant shift in your weekly schedule. Make a daily list that allows you to get everything done that has to be done while also enabling you to enjoy the greatest aspects of your new life.