
Best Ways to Pack Your Clothes When You Move

June 3, 2024

Let’s face it, no one wants to go a week without clean underwear following a move and to pack your clothes when you move. Unfortunately, a lot of individuals experience this! There are so many details to consider before moving. It’s easy to lose sight of the important things, like how we pack our clothes, in the midst of it all.

If you’re planning a big move and want to reduce stress during a move, one of the most effective things you can do is improve your packing method, particularly when it comes to your clothes. You can easily settle into your new house if you prioritize packing clothing.

Prepare a Suitcase

After a relocation, most people require about a week to settle into their new home. Pack a luggage as though you’re going on a weeklong vacation to make the changeover easier.

Put your favorite clothes, toiletries, prescriptions, and a few pairs of shoes in it. This saves you the trouble of looking for sweatpants at the bottom of your bag or wondering where your footwear went.

Best Ways to Pack Your Clothes When You Move

Also Read: Packing 101: Moving Kitchen Appliances

How to Pack Your Clothes for a Move

Do you have a lot of space in your closet? Don’t be discouraged. It makes a huge difference how you pack your clothes. And, happily, when you know what measures to take, even a large closet can be packed. With that in mind, try the following method for a perfectly stuffed closet.

Get Rid of Anything You Don’t Need

Nobody wants to prolong their relocation by bringing large, cumbersome suitcases of clothes they will never wear. Many Americans believe that moving is more stressful than spending a week in jail because of this tendency. Before you begin your move, go through your closet to avoid this. Get rid of anything you haven’t worn in a year, anything that doesn’t fit, and anything that requires adjustments you aren’t likely to make.

Also Read: Packing and Moving A Mirror Like A Pro

Make Your Packing More Effective

Would you fold a suit and stuff it in the bottom of the box? When it comes to apparel, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all guideline. Instead, adhere to the following guidelines:

Hang your things in wardrobe bins. Wardrobe boxes allow you to transfer your hanging clothing — hangers and all – directly to a box. They’re both affordable and simple to use.

Fill drawers to the brim. Leave your clothes in your drawers if you’re hiring movers. Moving firms have the necessary equipment to carry large items, so this strategy will make unpacking a breeze.

Wrap your clothing that are hanging. Take a huge garbage bag and stuff it with your hanging clothes. Fasten the cinches around the hanger’s necks and voila! To keep the garments in shape, drape the bag over a cart or crate.

Off-season apparel should be vacuum sealed. You won’t need to dig through your off-season wardrobe right away. In order to keep them clean and safe during your transfer, vacuum seal them.

Clothing Is the First Step Towards Making It Easier

Knowing how to pack clothes for a relocation might help alleviate some of the stress that comes with the process. If you pack your clothes appropriately, they’ll be easy to unpack, undamaged, and wrinkle-free when you arrive.

Meanwhile, basic strategies such as packing a suitcase and storing often used items at the top of your boxes can ensure that you are dressed and stress-free when you arrive at your new location.

Do you require professional moving assistance? Get in touch with WowMover right now. We’re here to assist you with your major change!

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