
Understanding Insurance Options for Interstate Moves

June 3, 2024

Moving across state lines is an exciting but stressful time. Your belongings will travel hundreds or even thousands of miles to your new home. While movers do everything they can to handle your items with care, accidents and damage may still occur during an interstate moves. That’s why it’s essential to understand the insurance options available.

The two main insurance choices for interstate moves are valuation protection from the mover or third-party insurance that you obtain yourself. Valuation protection covers your items based on their declared or assessed value up to a maximum amount. Third-party plans offer more customizable coverage. This guide will outline the different valuation and loss/damage protections, explain how claims work, and provide tips for choosing the ideal coverage.

With the right insurance option, you can move confidently knowing your possessions are protected. Carefully evaluating these policies allows you to select one tailored to your budget and protection needs. Read on to learn everything you need to know to make an informed insurance decision for your upcoming interstate moves.

Valuation Protection

When insuring your belongings for an interstate moves, you’ll need to choose between full value protection and depreciated value protection. This decision will impact how your items are valued if you need to file a claim due to loss or damage.

With full value protection, your items are covered for their full replacement value at the time of loss. This means if an item was destroyed during the move, the moving company would reimburse you the full cost to replace it with a brand new item, without factoring depreciation. Full value protection provides better coverage, especially for newer possessions like electronics and furniture. However, it comes at a higher cost than depreciated value protection.

Depreciated value protection only pays out the depreciated value of your items, factoring in age, wear and tear. For example, if a 5 year old TV was damaged, you may only receive its current value based on its used condition, which could be significantly less than it would cost to replace. While this option has lower premiums, it leaves you underinsured and you’ll end up paying more out-of-pocket to replace belongings if damaged.

Choosing between these two types of valuation protection depends on your budget and how much risk you’re willing to take on. Those with expensive or sentimental items may opt for full value, while those on a tight budget may select depreciated value while being prepared to self-insure the difference in value.

Basic Liability Coverage 

Basic liability coverage is the most affordable and basic protection option for interstate moves. This coverage protects against damage to your belongings up to $0.60 per pound per article. 

With basic liability, the Interstate moving company is liable for damages they cause to your items, such as if they improperly pack or handle your furniture leading to scratches or dents. However, you are responsible for any existing damage prior to the move, as well as damage from acts outside the mover’s control such as bad weather.

Basic liability has a list of exclusions where damage will not be covered. Common exclusions include:

– Scratches, dents, chips or damage to high gloss surfaces on items like pianos, appliances and furniture.

– Damage due to improper packing that you performed yourself, such as overstuffed boxes that burst.

– Loss or damage from factors like changes in weather or temperature.

– Damage to plants, food, alcohol, and jewelry.

– Items of extraordinary value such as antiques, artworks or collectibles.

The low coverage level means basic liability does not provide full protection for your possessions. However, it can be worthwhile for moves with just everyday household goods and furniture that do not have special value. Understanding the limitations is important when selecting basic liability coverage.

Full Replacement Value

Full replacement value (FRV) coverage is the highest level of protection you can get for your belongings when moving interstate. With FRV coverage, the moving company will reimburse you for the full cost to replace any damaged or lost items, without depreciation. 

This means if an antique chair worth $2,000 is destroyed, the moving company will pay you $2,000 rather than a depreciated amount like $500. FRV coverage removes the caps on reimbursement, so you don’t have to worry about your belongings being undervalued.

FRV is more expensive than basic valuation coverage, but provides peace of mind for prized possessions. It can be especially important for one-of-a-kind items like artwork or collectibles that would be impossible to replace for the same value.

With FRV, you will be made whole no matter what happens to your items. Just be sure to take inventory before the move and document the condition with photos. FRV won’t cover damage from improper packing, so work with your mover to protect delicate items.

Overall, FRV is the best way to safeguard your belongings across state lines. The extra cost is well worth it for the comprehensive protection.


When you obtain full replacement value or other loss/damage coverage from a moving company, you’ll typically need to choose a deductible amount. The deductible is the amount of money you would pay out-of-pocket in the event of any loss or damage. 

Typical deductible amounts range from $0 to $1,000 or more. The higher your deductible, the lower your premiums and overall insurance costs will be. However, a higher deductible means you’d pay more money in the case of any damages.

Pros of a lower deductible:

– You pay less money out-of-pocket if any loss or damage occurs.

– Peace of mind knowing you are covered for more.

Cons of a lower deductible:

– Higher premiums and overall insurance costs.

Pros of a higher deductible:

– Lower premiums and overall insurance costs.

Cons of a higher deductible:

– You pay more money out-of-pocket in the event of any loss or damage.

– Less coverage overall.

When selecting your deductible, consider your budget, the items being moved, and your comfort level with risk. If you have valuable antiques or delicate items, you may want a lower deductible to be fully covered. If you’re moving mostly furniture and common household items, you may be able to take on more risk with a higher deductible to save on costs. Evaluate the pros and cons and choose the deductible amount that provides you the right balance of coverage and premiums for your specific moving situation.

Loss/Damage Protection

When your belongings are in transit, the mover assumes liability for loss or damage. However, there are limitations on the mover’s liability based on the valuation protection and coverage you select. 

The moving company is liable only for loss or damage that occurs during transit. Loss or damage that occurs before or after transit is not covered. For example, damage that occurs while the mover is packing or unpacking your items may not be covered.

Some common exclusions from loss/damage coverage include:

– Scratches, dents, chips or similar damage to high gloss surfaces on items like pianos, tables, or other furniture.

– Damage due to improper packing or unpacking by the customer.

– Internal damage to electronics or mechanical items.

– Items left inside the moving van inadvertently.

– Loss or damage from acts of God, weather damage, hostile or warlike action.

It’s important to understand that basic liability offers limited loss/damage protection. Full replacement value coverage provides more comprehensive protection. Review the valuation, deductibles, and coverage options carefully when arranging an interstate moves. Thoroughly checking your belongings and noting any damage before and after the move can also help with filing claims if needed.

Third-Party Insurance 

Many moving companies offer third-party insurance options from external providers. This allows you to get coverage through a separate insurance company instead of directly through your mover.  

Some benefits of using third-party insurance include:

– More flexibility in coverage options. You can often customize the policy to your specific needs.

– Ability to shop around. You can compare rates and coverage from multiple insurance providers to find the best deal.

– Coverage for valuables. External policies may offer more protection for high-value items like jewelry, art, antiques, etc.  

– Reputation and financial strength. Going through an established insurance company may provide more security than a mover’s self-procured coverage.

– Claims handling. You may get better service and faster claims resolution when working directly with an insurance provider.

When using third-party insurance, be sure to communicate with your mover so they know what coverage you have. Confirm that your policy meets any minimum requirements they may have. Also, find out upfront how damages are handled so you know whether to file a claim through the mover or insurance provider.

Overall, third-party insurance can give you enhanced protection and peace of mind during an interstate moves. Just be sure to read policies carefully so you understand any exclusions or limitations.

Self-Procured Insurance

Insuring your belongings yourself is an option some people consider when moving interstate. This involves purchasing your own insurance policy to cover your possessions during the move. 

There are a few ways to go about getting self-procured insurance:

– Homeowners or renters insurance – Some existing homeowners or renters policies may provide coverage for moving, but this depends on the specific policy. You would need to check with your insurance provider to see if moving is covered under your current policy.

– Moving insurance – This is insurance specifically designed to cover your belongings during a move. It can typically be purchased as a rider or add-on to an existing policy, or as a standalone moving insurance policy. The coverage is for a set period of time to cover the move.

– Valuable items insurance – For high-value or specialty items, you may need additional insurance beyond typical moving coverage. This could include collectibles, antiques, jewelry, artwork, musical instruments, etc. Valuable items policies can provide extra protection.

The main advantage of self-procured insurance is you have control over the policy terms, coverages, and costs. You can shop around to find a policy that meets your specific needs. The disadvantage is that it may require more effort on your part to find adequate coverage.

If considering self-procured insurance, be sure to read policy details closely and understand exclusions. Confirm the moving company’s liability and whether your items are covered while in transit and storage. Time the policy dates to fully cover the move. And document your belongings with photos/receipts.

 Claims Process

Filing a claim for damages or loss during an interstate move requires following some important steps and knowing what to expect throughout the process. Here is a look at how to file claims and what the timeline typically looks like:

How to File a Claim

The first thing to do if your belongings are damaged or lost during a move is to take detailed notes and photographs. Document any damage, missing items, inconsistencies with your inventory list, or other issues. Be as thorough as possible in documenting the condition of your items.

Next, you’ll want to promptly notify your mover about the situation. Most movers require written notice within a certain time frame after your delivery, often 5-10 days. Check your rights and responsibilities paperwork to understand the claims filing deadlines.

When you contact your mover, have your inventory list, contract paperwork, and all documentation on hand. Explain in detail what damages or losses occurred. The moving company will initiate a claim and send you the appropriate claim forms to fill out. 

Complete the claim forms fully and provide copies of any supporting documentation, like photos. Keep copies of everything you submit to the mover for your records.

 What to Expect After Filing

After filing the claim, the moving company will arrange an in-home visit to inspect the items in question. They will evaluate the damage and verify the losses against your inventory. 

This process can take several weeks after the initial claim notification. Be patient as the moving company gathers details to make a resolution.

If your claim is approved, the mover will provide a formal settlement offer. This settlement can take different forms depending on your protection plan, such as:

– Repair costs

– Replacement value

– Depreciated value

You can either accept the settlement offer or attempt to negotiate if you feel it is insufficient. If you have full replacement value protection, you may receive the costs to replace damaged goods with comparable items.

If the claim is denied by the moving company, you have the right to seek third-party arbitration to resolve the dispute.


The entire claims process can take 30 days or longer in some cases. Communicate regularly with your mover throughout the process to check status updates and expedite resolution. Be aware of your rights as a customer if the process extends past acceptable time limits.

With patience and persistence, you can achieve a fair settlement for goods lost or damaged during your interstate relocation. Proper documentation is key, so be sure to take photos and notes when problems arise.

 Choosing Coverage

When selecting the right insurance for your interstate moves, there are several factors to consider:

Deductible amount – Choosing a higher deductible lowers your premiums but means you pay more out-of-pocket if you need to file a claim. Select a deductible you could comfortably afford in the event of loss or damage.

Valuation – Basic liability covers your items at $0.60 per pound, while full replacement value covers the current cost to replace items. Consider how valuable your possessions are and whether replacement cost is worth the higher premium.

Loss/damage protection – Make sure the policy adequately covers loss and damage. Some policies may have exclusions or limitations. Read the fine print to avoid surprises.

Claims process – Understand how to file a claim if needed, what documentation is required, and how long payouts take. Ease of claims should factor into your decision.  

Insurer reputation – Pick an established insurer known for fair claim settlements. Online reviews and rating sites can provide insight into reputation.

Moving company insurance – If Purchasing through the mover, verify they will cover the full value and there are no coverage gaps. Third-party insurance may provide better protection.

Cost – Get quotes from multiple providers and compare both premiums and level of coverage. Make sure you are getting good value for the cost.

Taking the time to understand these factors will help you secure the right insurance protection for your upcoming interstate moves. Prioritize coverage for high-value items and peace of mind through the claims process when deciding.