How to Pack your Flat Screen TV for a Move

June 3, 2024
How to Pack your Flat Screen TV for a Move

Flat-screen TVs can be hard to pack due to their fragileness and enormous size. Such a costly belonging of yours ought to be given a lot of care so no harm happens during the moving process. Follow these steps on the most proficient method to pack your fat screen so your TV is actually the manner in which you had it before your move

Separate any lose items from the screen

Start by snapping a photo of the rear of you TV so you know precisely where every one of your lines went! At that point, unplug any cables that are connected with the rear of the TV and perfectly move them up and place them in a bag that is labeled “television cords” . Thusly, when you are unloading every one of your things, there will be no disarray about where each cords goes. Furthermore,pack all the entirety of your TV controllers too and name them as well.

Wrap the edges of the TV

It’s a smart thought to cover the external edges of the TV with some kind of cushioning. This will give the whole TV some extra assurance and keep it from scratching. The cushioning will keep the TV safer than basic packing peanuts will as well.

Also Read : What to Pack First Before the Moving Day!

Find the correct box

On the off chance that you actually have the first box that your TV came in when you got it, at that point utilize this crate to repackage your TV for moving. Nonetheless, If you don’t have it any longer, no concerns! You can try to find a crate nearly a similar size as your TV, just slightly bigger to consider you to pack additional cushioning inside.

How to Pack your Flat Screen TV for a Move

Fill the box

Place a small blanket cover on the base of your box to give additional padding to the TV before it goes into the case. At that point place the TV upright on the head of the blanket inside the box. Occupy the unfilled space inside the actual screen of the TV and the box with towels, blanket covers, or whatever other soft objects that you need to take with you for your move

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This will keep the TV from moving side to side and hitting the edges of the container. Finally, cover the rest of the space on the head of the TV with any extra packing/soft material to guarantee your flat screen’s protection.

Note: be certain that any covers or towels are clean and free from debris as you would prefer not to scratch your screen during the moving cycle!

Pack the TV into your Container

Always pack TVs upstanding, to guarantee their security. Place the box with your TV upstanding in the middle of other items to diminish the odds of your TV falling over during the move. Name your box as well with the goal that you know when you are loading and unloading this box to be extra cautious.

Ready to Move?

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