
Why Americans are So Active in Moving?

June 3, 2024

Americans are shakers and movers, with the focus on “movers.” This is the reason why Americans are so active in moving.

We relocate far more frequently than our counterparts in other regions of the world.

Why are Americans so active in moving is to improve their family and personal situations, gain wealth, and save money. Of course, these are just a few of the numerous reasons we’re open to moving.

This post will look at a few other causes, intriguing statistics, and how the COVID-19 epidemic has impacted domestic migration.

The Impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on Moving

Most of us had never heard of COVID-19 before early 2020.

When it first appeared, though, the nation was filled with confusion and widespread terror.

Lockdowns and quarantines became the norm, and private enterprises and government institutions shut down at an alarming rate.

Job losses and financial problems followed, and many severely afflicted were forced to relocate.

Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, about 20% of American people have temporarily or permanently relocated out of their houses or apartments.
Because of the pandemic, young adults aged 18 to 29 were statistically more likely to relocate.
Minorities and people from low-income families relocated more than their wealthier coworkers, neighbors, and family members.

Why Americans are So Active in Moving?

For a Variety of reasons, Americans are on the move.

Approximately 30 million Americans relocated last year.

That’s around 9.5 percent of the population of almost 330 million people.

About 85 percent stayed in the state, while most relocated to other states.

There are several primary reasons why Americans, particularly young professionals, relocate so frequently.

Among them are:

Other Factors:

Statistics on Global Relocation

Unless you’re a statistics nerd and a moving and storage guru (which there aren’t many of), you probably didn’t know that around 8% of adults move every year around the world.

According to a 2013 Gallop study, this translates to approximately 400 million adults aged 18 and up, not including their children.

Unfortunately, this surge in relocation traffic has corresponded with a steep rise in moving scams, emphasizing the importance of working with the best moving companies.

Annual Relocation Statistics By Region

The average American moves about a dozen times during their lifetime.

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